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— third person —

"c'mon!!! you know where number 2 is!! where is she??" hanako rested his chin on tsuchigomori's desk and looked at him with a sad and desperate look. "she said she wouldn't help you again, number 7." "but she said that years aaaagoooooo. i need to get to number 3's boundary. i need to save (y/n)!!" he whined. soon, a small white fox came in. "what do you need me for?"

hanako gave her his death stare and brought out his knife. "udon." "not this again-" "udon." he got closer to her with his knife pointing straight her face. "i don't wanna help!-" "yummy, super delicious udon." he cooed. "fine!-"

"amane~!" a familiar voice came roamed the room. "(y/n)..?" hanako backed away from yako and looked at the door. "amane, amane, amane!" (y/n)'s body ran in the room and jumped on hanako. "(y/n)!? what's gotten into you?" "i missed you~!!" she giggled. she squeezed him tight and dug her head in his neck. she was squealing in happiness.

"why are you- wait, you aren't...hanako was about to finish but he felt (y/n)'s grip grow lighter. she finally got off of him and looked down. "don't be silly, hanako-kun, it's me, your assistant!" (y/n) looked up at him with tsukasa's natural grin. "are you sure that's your assistant-" "shut up, fox."

the room was silent. (y/n) crossed her arms and looked at hanako. "you believe that it's me, right?" "where did you go, (y/n)?"

"something seems off about her. i don't recall his assistant knowing his real name yet." tsuchigomori thought to himself as he was watching this reunion. "hmmmm! amane! you're asking too many questions. ask me later!!" she groaned. "well~" the possessed girl faced the door, "i have some business to do."she finished and walked out.

at least 10 minutes after she left, hanako left as well. he didn't tell yako or tsuchigomori where he was going. he just left. "w-wait! ugh!!" tsuchigomori groaned in anger after remembering something important. "i forgot to tell him that his old assistant is here, at this school, right now!!" "stupid spider-face."

with yashiro and the others

"kou-kun, should we go see aoi-chan while akane-kun is busy?" yashiro asked kou while he puts down papers he had to carry. "sure, senpai!" he smiled. "do you want to see mitsuba-kun as well?" "mmm.. maybe tomorrow, but if we run into him then, i guess, we'll talk to him." kou rubbed his neck. "yashiro-san, minamoto-kun, what're you guy's talking about?" akane walked over to them and explains that he's done helping the other teachers.

"nothing!" yashiro waved her hands in front of her. "you're bad at lying, yashiro-san, has anyone told you that?" akane scoffed. "hey! senpai is perfect!" kou blushed while trying to defend his best friend. "thank you, kou-kun. anyways, we were just talking about how we.. should.. go see..-" "we are not going to see ao-chan." he cut her off, crossing his arms with his angry face.

"but whyyyyy, i miss aoi! it's been a while so-" "no, yashiro-san. next time. remember, we are here for the rest of the week." akane fought back. yashiro pouted and sighed. "well, next time, i guess." akane calmed down and explained what they should do now that they have free time. "so.. go.. see.. tsuchigomori-sensei?" kou asked.

"yeah, maybe he can give us more information on the new assistant and number 7." akane looked at the door and continued to walk that direction. "akane-kun, do you remember where his office is?" "mhm, c'mon." he responded. kou and yashiro nodded at each other and followed behind akane. as they were about to leave, they saw (y/n). yashiro smiled and went up to her, "(y/n)-chan!" she shouted. (y/n) looked at her and smiled. "daikon!!" (y/n) shouted back. yashiro paused and so did the boys.

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