18 | NENE OR Y/N?

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— third person —

"well, history repeats itself. i wonder who dies this time." said akane cossing his arms and turning away. "wow, you're right this time, akane-kun. i wonder the same thing," (y/n) began. her head down, facing the wooden floor, her eyes were un-seeable. one foot up and against to keep her up. "i wonder who will die this time, too." she finally looked up with a sad look, yet she still had a smile on her face. "it could be nene-sama...kou-kun...or even you!" she said in a happy tone, her sad look fading away as she jumped forward, her arms spread out.

"i'm not going to die." scoffed akane. "i don't wanna die!" cried yashiro. she got down a bit, her legs bending to keep her balanced. she gripped her hair and said, "i finally look young again and you're telling me, the chances of me dying are pretty high!?" "nene-sama— i-i didn't really mean it like that!" (y/n) ran over to yashiro and helped her up. but when (y/n) touched yashiro's hand. it was not warm like any other human being. it was cold, freezing cold, like ice.

"wow, you're really cold, nene-sama! are you alright?" "hm? i feel warm?" kou ran up to yashiro and touched her gently on the hand. "yeah, she's warm?" "maybe it's because you're not in your human form, (l/n)-san." "oh, maybe!" she replied. "i wonder where aoi-chan and hanako-kun are now..." "obviously getting your body." said akane. "yeah. you're right again, akane-kun." teased (y/n). "whatever." he managed to smile. though, the smile was not big. it was a tiny smile. like he was happy to be praised...for once.

— with aoi and hanako —

"so, number eight. what are your thoughts on our sacrifice?" "well, lord number seven." aoi paused and looked up at the cloudy sky, no blue was found, straight gray. "i'm terrified." she coughed and fell to the ground. hanako immediately went and helped her up. "thank you, lord number seven." hanako nodded in reply and put his hands in his pockets. "your powers growing weak?" "sadly yes." "your rumor needs to be told more. whoever told (y/n), your rumor, completely saved you. because if they never told her..."

"...then you would've disappeared, huh?" aoi didn't reply, she only gave him a closed eyed smile. "i don't want my rumor to be told. i didn't even wanna become this school wonder thing. but lord number six helped me." "yeah, i was there when the meeting was happening, remember?" "oh, yeah!" her mouth opened in shock, her hand hovering it. "you thought i was going to be a boy!" "well..." "lord number seven, you're interesting sometimes!" he giggled at her statement.

"well, we can't just be chatting and laughing right now, can't we?" he nodded no in reply with a closed eyed smile. "then let's go get (y/n)-chan's body back and prepare the sacrifice." the duo disappeared into white smoke, leaving no trace of them behind. except one...white rose, left by aoi, but for who?

the two ghosts now appeared in the halls. "where would her body be?" asked hanako as he peeked over the wall. "lord seven, lord eight? is that you?" asked a small white fox, also known as our dear yako. "number two?" asked hanako. seconds later, yako had jumped onto hanako. she scratched his face with her sharp claws, yelling at him. "why did you do that!? and why are you in different clothes!? now you change? right after you try to take my power!!"

"oh, my!" exclaimed aoi. she crossed her arms and watched the fight. "number eight....run for your life...." hanako manged to say but aoi just burst out laughing. "why are you doing this to me, number two!?!?" "i just said why, you child! why is everyone making me repeat myself!?" she slowly got off of him. "just a second ago, you tried to take my power. you almost got rid of me! if it weren't for that stupid spider face!" "what do you mean? i was with number eight." "liar! you were wearing a different outfit!"

hanako's eyes shot open, sweat started to drip down his head, his face grew serious. "that...that wasn't me, number two." "then who could it—" "oh, yeah! lord number seven has a twin brother. i don't remember his name, though. perhaps, it was him?" aoi walked closer, smiling a little and tilting her head. "it was." hanako manged to say, his face down down so nobody would see his traumatized expressions. "awe, don't worry. i'm sure he forgave you, lord seven. all you need to do now is to forgive yourself."

aoi walked closer to hanako and put her soft hand on his cheek where his seal was. she gently lifted his head. "you just need to forgive yourself." she whispered, smiling. as hanako looked at her, a image of tsukasa took her place. but it quickly disappeared after a second. "forgive myself?" asked hanako. in place of reply, aoi smiled. "why is this happening..." yako rolled her eyes. she thought to herself as she transformed into her human form.

hanako calmed down. he was back to his original self. cheerful and happy. "where was he last seen?" yako yawned. "well, after the battle with him..he just smirked and disappeared into black smoke. he tried to make me disappear! i knew it, tch, misaki is the only human that isn't like you all!" yako turned her head. hanako and aoi nodded in synch. "how did he try to make you disappear, number two?" asked aoi, tilting her head, breaking the sync.

"oh, it was awful!" yako exclaimed in stress. "he used his orbs to try and suck the supernatural out of me. he almost had it, too! but that spider face came in my boundary f-for an unknown reason that i-i do not know." "right." said hanako. "anyways! he helped by using his large...aweso— disgusting legs—arms...i don't know what he calls them, hmph." "ah, so to summarize it...you were attacked for your power." asked aoi, lifting her index finger, bending over a little forward. "why would tsukasa need number two's power?"

"doesn't matter now, i guess. i have grew weaker!" "a lot of supernaturals claimed that they have grew weaker. especially the mokke." said aoi, standing straight and looking at the stairs that lead to the third floor. she spotted a candy wrapper that was green and had gold and white dots. "haru-chan's favorite." she cooed to herself. "i can't stay in my fox form for a long time anymore out of my boundary, all because of your brother!"she groaned and walked away, turning into her fox form. "well, there goes number two." "yep."

"number two said that tsukasa was in different clothes than i wear. thus, he is no longer in (y/n)'s body." "which means..." "(y/n) is back!" they said in sync. they disappeared into smoke and appeared back into the bathroom, there was a sleeping (y/n), kou, yashiro, and akane. akane was resting his back against the wall. (y/n) was resting her head against his shoulder. it was the same for yashiro and kou. "did we take long?" asked aoi. "hmm, well, (y/n) is back to normal. she isn't in an actual ghost form." he teased. "lord seven," aoi asked. "yes, number eight?" "do you love nene-chan or (y/n)-chan?" hanako's face flushed red while aoi's was serious.

"w-why do you ask!?" "because at the end of our sacrifice...you will need to choose between them. either nene or (y/n). so who will it be." hanako moved his eyes to yashiro. he smiled at the sight of her sleeping body. "yashiro..she's been my assistant since....a long time." "it sucks, doesn't it? having to choose. it's not fair." hanako didn't reply. "i don't wanna choose either, but you see...in order to keep the seven school mysteries alive...i'll need to sacrifice, too. that's the only reason why i'm doing this. to save them. and you're going to save (y/n)-chan, right?" "yeah."

"hehe, have you heard this rumor? the new hanako-san?"

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