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— third person —

"the new hanako-san. sucks that you're leaving, too. you'll be alone." "oh, number seven. i know. but if akane agrees....he'll come with me." she chuckled as she cupped her own cheeks. she smile with glee, hoping—knowing he would go with her into the afterlife. "i'm sure he'll come. i love him and he loves me!" "i'm sorry, number eight. if only you knew he was lying to you."

"yeah." hanako replied as he put his hands into his pocket. "lets wake them up!" she cheered happily. she went to akane and (y/n) while hanako went to yashiro and kou. they woke them up with a "boo." "agh!" shouted akane, which awoke (y/n). they looked at each other and scooted away. "w-was i..." asked (y/n), playing with her fingers. "laying on my shoulder? yes." she flushed red, "i'm sorry!" "it's fine. we were asleep. we didn't know."

(y/n) nodded at hanako who was shocked. hanako then proceeded to walk to her and sat on the floor. he wrapped his arms around (y/n) and pulled her in close. "awe! (y/n), you had to rest on his uncomfortable shoulder, hmph! you should've asked me—" "hanako-kun, you were gone." "oh~? so you would lay on my shoulder~?" he teased. "w-wait! w-what!?" her face grew more flushed. "oh, (y/n), you're so cute when you blush!" (y/n) pushed him away and stood in a corner.

"you made her uncomfortable." akane said. "hanako-kun, you're such a pain sometimes!" said yashiro, helping kou up. "yashiro! you're supposed to be on my side." "yeah, yeah."

— with tsukasa —

"school mystery number four. i'm glad you're going to help me." "yes. of course. i have to pay you back some day." "number four!?" shouted mitsuba. "oh, number three. it's a pleasure to see you here." "why are you going to help him!?" "do you remember the fake world?" mitsuba hesitated to speak. "y-yeah," "hmm, well it's difficult to explain, but i...owe him my power."

tsukasa smiled sadistically. shijima sighed sadly and went to tsukasa. she held out her hand. tsukasa happily grabbed on. they then began to chant something. the room lit up in white. nobody was seen.

seconds later, the light disappeared and shijima was on the ground, gasping for air. "i...can't believe...you did...that." she coughed, her glasses almost falling off, her eyes open with shock. her braids were messier than before. "i don't feel okay." she got on her knees, adjusting her glasses, she rubbed her forehead in a circular motion. "ugh." she groaned. "i'm weaker, aren't i?" mitsuba went to her and helped her up. "yeah. you are." he replied.

"i knew this was going to happen some day." she sighed. she crossed her arms and blew air so the hair in her face would go to the side. "well, what other wonders are you going to use, tsukasa-kun?" "well~! i only needed one. it was going to be mitsuba but he fought back." tsukasa frowned but his frown wasn't real, he didn't feel sad. tsukasa is tsukasa. it's impossible.

tsukasa's face went to normal. "now you can get out of here, school mystery number four." "will you promised me (l/n)-san will live." "goodbye!" he snapped his fingers and she disappeared in black smoke. "why didn't you promise her, tsukasa?" "eh~? do you love (y/n)-chan?" teased tsukasa. "what the hell!? no! we are just friends." he replied in a serious tone. "friends are a waste of time." replied tsukasa as he walked away. he picked up the drawing book that was left by shijima.

"number four is now my puppet. she works for me." he turned around and smirked at mitsuba, "you're a monster, tsukasa-kun." "i'm just helping my big brother!" "he didn't even ask you for help!" "yeah. but my brother is weak. even though he's a school wonder...i will always be superior." tsukasa winked, positioning his fingers to his mouth as if he was telling someone to shush.

"how can you live like this knowing—" "knowing what, mitsuba?" "ugh." "you know what mitsuba? what if i just get rid of you once and for all?" "w-wait, what!?" "yeah, you wouldn't understand, mitsuba. you don't have siblings or whatever." tsukasa walked up to mitsuba, bending forward a bit with a sadistic smirk. his eyes emptied. "you w-wouldn't..." "when i'm done with you, mitsuba. you will no longer roam the real world. you will go to the place where you really go after death."

"but i have friends here! like, minamoto-kun, number seven, daikon-senpai, (y/n)-chan! you can't just remove me! what will happen to my spot in the school mysteries!?" mitsuba began to sob. tears started to come out. "oh, mitsuba. friends are a waste of time, remember?" "coming from someone who never experienced true friendship!" mitsuba shouted angrily. "you're so weak, mitsuba. also, about your spot...i guess i'll be the one who would take it." tsukasa clapped his hands.

"you know nothing about being a school wonder." mitsuba cried. "i created you. so, of course i do." "tsukasa....i want to be here....even though i'm dead. i still...i still wanna be a school mystery.." "that's too bad. but i'll make sure to tell your so-called friends!" "eh!?" tsukasa went up to mitsuba and put him to sleep. "i don't know what to feel right now, mitsuba." tsukasa held the sleeping school wonder in his arms. "i don't know if i should feel sad or happy. what do most people feel when things like this happen?" he stared at the sleeping body.

"it's like you just died in my arms, mitsuba! i'm going to make sure you travel safely in the afterlife. i'm sure you'll get reincarnated, though. just believe, okay?" tsukasa smiled as a tear came out his eye. "this is all for amane. but even though you know that. and i know that. why does it feel....weird inside?" tsukasa gently laid the body onto the cold wooden floor. "mitsuba, do people ever regret things?"

tsukasa placed his hand gently onto mitsuba forehead. he then began to chant something. soon, mitsuba began to turn into triangle shaped glass. tsukasa grabbed three of those triangles and wrapped his hand around them. he then opened his hands which caused a "poof" sound to occur. a camera that mitsuba used to use when he was alive appeared in tsukasa's hands. "i'll give this to the girl for you, okay?" tsukasa smiled as he wiped his eyes. soon, mitsuba was gone from the floor. nothing was left. nothing at all. he was gone. forever. tsukasa stared at the floor where mitsuba laid.

"i lied about being the new third mystery, mitsuba. it's open for anyone. anyone stupid enough to even be one. oh, well. life is life, isn't it? heh."

"goodbye, mitsuba. you are no longer apart of this world."

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