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y/n's pov

i just got a weird feeling. i always get weird feelings. oh, well. "so! what do we do now?" asked nene-sama. "we're outside on the rooftop. why don't we have one more fun talk before we all go again."

"what do you mean, aoi-chan." i asked. she just smiled at me. i know something is going on. i just don't know what! her smile, though. it wasn't...real. i tilted my head, grabbing nene-sama's hand. "i'm sorry, nene-sama." i cooed. she looked at me with a confused expression but i already have her in a position where she cannot move.

"hey!?" shouted kou-kun. "what the hell, (l/n)-san??" "i'm tired of this crap! what's going on?!" "(y/n)-chan???" nene-sama squirmed in my arms. "i'm sorry. please, play along." she slowly nodded, making it not obvious. i walked over to the bars that kept us safe inside. i was actually scared. "tell me what happen or i'll drop her." everyone's eyes shot open. "don't hurt her!" shouted kou-kun, running towards us. he was running really fast. i didn't know what to do. i kept walking backwards until...

third person

"(y/n)-chan!?" "grab her, kid!" shouted hanako. kou nodded and ran but it was too late. "am i going to die?" cooed (y/n)...her last words. she fell off the rooftop, head first, landing to her death. "(l/n)-san, she's dead?" asked akane. they all ran to the bars and observed. the sight was unbelievable. "she can't be dead!?" hanako shouted and ran out the rooftop. everyone followed. at last they were on the ground. hanako went up to (y/n) and held her in his arms. "you can't be dead. it was too early! please...wake up." aoi went up and joined them.

"let me heal her...at least." "you can bring the dead back!?" kou asked. aoi nodded no. "i'll just heal her." "but it'll be pointless, wouldn't it, aoi-chan?" yashiro asked in a sad tone as she sat near them. aoi looked at her, tears that flowed like rivers went down yashiro's face. "it's my fault." she exclaimed in sadness and disbelief. "i should've helped her. i'm so useless, aren't i?" kou went to go comfort yashiro. she rested her head on his shoulder as he held her hand. "i guess the sacrificing has to happen early, too." hanako frowned.

hanako held (y/n) in bridal style closer and cooed into her ear, "i'll bring you back. i promise. just wait for me, please." "lord seven, what now?" "(l/n) (y/n) is dead." hanako forced a chuckle. "we need to get the school wonders all together in the meeting room. heal (y/n), get rid of her cuts and the blood." he gently handed (y/n) to aoi.

aoi frowned at the body and held in closer, knowing the blood around (y/n)'s head would stain her kimono. "we'll bring you back. but we won't be here anymore." aoi cooed sadly. "(y/n)-chan, thank you for being my friend."

aoi then used her power to heal the body. the blood disappeared and so did the cuts all around (y/n)'s arms and face. "you look better now..." aoi started to cry. "wait for me, please!" everyone was sad. they lost a friend. one they adored. it was too early for (y/n)'s death. but i guess akane was right. someone was going to die this time. history repeats itself.

"i'll send her...to my...sniffle...boundary...sniffle. she'll be safe there for now." said aoi as smoke surrounded her. once it cleared, aoi's outfit changed. it was now similar to tsukasa's outfit. her kimono was a beautiful light shade of purple, it also had a flower pattern on it. the flowers were orange, yellow, pink and blue. as for her hakama, it was plain black. "i hope everything goes according to plan." "we need number three, number four- well, all of the school wonders!" said hanako, adjusting his hat.

aoi snapped her fingers and (y/n)'s body disappeared. "goodbye, everyone. i hope you can forgive us." hanako and aoi held hands and disappeared into white smoke. "h-he...HE HELD HER HAND!?" shouted akane, gripping his hair in disbelief. "a-akane-kun. please, be q-quiet. we can't let anyone know we're outside. we aren't in our....o-old.....forms. we l-look like teens, remember?" "r-right." he replied sighing sadly.

it was silent until seconds later when akane spoke up, "why not me." he added causing yashiro to wipe her tears and tilt her head. kou did the same.

"what do you mean, akane-kun?" "aoi said she loved me that day. but i wasn't sure if she really meant it. she always told me that but she was kidding those times. so, i didn't believe her. but now i'm starting to think it's true, honestly. but that's kinda ba-" "don't worry, akane-kun. i'm sure aoi-chan loves you!" she went up to him and patted his back. she forced a closed eyed smile. "we can trust them, right, senpai?" kou asked crossing his arms and looking down.

"yeah! i'm sure they aren't going to do anything that bad!" "but what if they do, yashiro-san? what if they're planning something that is actually worse than we thought?" "we just gotta trust, okay?" "okay, i guess. i hope you aren't wrong, yashiro-san." "if you trust them senpai then i'll trust them, too!" exclaimed kou, a hand in the air. everyone smiled at each other. "let's head back inside, okay?" kou and yashiro nodded and followed akane inside the school.

with hanako and aoi

"where's number three?" asked hanako. "we can't have a meeting without him." "lord seven, we got news from the mokke." said number one. "what is it, number one?" as number one read down the paper, his expression grew serious yet sad. "i see. number three...has passed on." hanako's, aoi's- everyone's eyes grew wide with shock! "what do you mean?" "it seems that your brother got rid of him once and for all. meaning the school mystery number three spot is open. any human can become number three." "t-that can't be true?!" shouted aoi.

"i'm sorry, lord eight and lord seven. number three is never coming back into this world. he's gone." "awee!! number three is gone now!!" exclaimed mirari as she licked a lollipop. "and just when i made his friend young for him!! it's okay, though. they had a wholesome moment!" she giggled. "i saw it myself! well, until lord seven's twin and took number three away! hmph, he's a big meanie!" "lord seven, what are you going to do now. the school mysteries are growing weaker and we've lost number three." stated number four, shijima mei of the art room.

"lord seven! your brother was trying to do that to me!!" shouted yako, as she showed her teeth, she was in her fox form. "number seven, is this the end of us?" asked number five of the school mysteries, tsuchigomori. his rumor is the 4pm book-stacks. "are we going away?" they all asked except lord six. lord six was not there.

he's never there, which didn't surprise anyone. "no-" "calm down, everyone. don't worry. this isn't the end of us school mysteries. it's going to be a long time until people can get rid of us. me and honorable number seven will be a sacrifice."

"i'm not going to be here anymore and neither is he. a new hanako-san is coming soon. she will be your new leader." "who is it?" asked shijima. "you'll see when the time comes, okay, shijima-san?" shijima nodded in agreement. "as for number three, i guess that is his life. he's gone. but i do believe he's in the afterlife, he's probably reunited with his mother! i'm sure she's dead!" "how exactly are you going to sacrifice yourselves?" yako asked as she scoffed. "lord seven is lord seven. that's impossible!" she exclaimed.

"exactly, lord seven leads us all. i'm sure he has a way." said shijima. "what will your sacrifice do to us?" number one asked. "it will strengthen you all." "thank you for your help, number eight." "my pleasure, lord seven."

"but your new leader will be my assistant, (l/n) (y/n)."

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