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— third person

"hanako-kun!" (y/n) ran into the bathroom where she saw yako and tsuchigomori chatting with hanako. "yashiro.. is here.. and you never told me?" hanako looked at (y/n) and frowned. "i...i was coming to tell you right now!" the girl ran up to him and gave him a hug. "kou-kun and akane-kun are also here." she squeezed him harder with a shaky sigh. "well, i guess it's fine." hanako forgave her and returned the hug. "where is she?" he asked.

"she's not going to be here until third period." tsuchigomori spoke. "and it's barely first break for her. just two more hours, i think." "maybe you go check for sure, you stupid spider!" yako remarked. "i don't enjoy your blunt remarks about what i am." he rolled his eyes at her. "i knew that misaki was the only man who is perfect." she transformed into her human-like form and put her hands on her waist. tsuchigomori ignored her and walked out the bathroom. yako scoffed and followed him as she turned into her fox form once again.

alone the two children were, giggles and mockery of yako and tsuchigomori filled the room. soon, the duo grew tired of laughing so they sat against the wall, with (y/n)'s head resting on the supernatural's shoulder. "maybe hanako-kun does love me! regular best friends don't do this, right? if so... then why does it feel so empty."

the school mystery's assistant thought to herself as she watch hanako get attacked by mokke that came in seconds later. "make. us. a. school. mystery." they demanded. hanako, as usual, denied but regretted it when one of the mokke signaled the other mokke's to come in. a rope they carried into the bathroom. hanako tried to float away but the mokke managed to get his foot.

"hanako-kun!" (y/n) tried to grab his shoe but only took it off revealing his dark red socks. he was a bit embarrassed but couldn't react as much because now he was now being taken outside the boundary. the only thing that can save hanako-kun was grabbing his foot. (y/n) looked at him then looked at his foot as a signal. he sighed in embarrassment and nodded. (y/n) then grasped his foot and pulled the boy closer.

grunts and groans came out of the room, the short ghost boy was surprisingly heavy to pull. but she succeeded! the rope busted and hanako was free! the mokke saw the victory of the duo and instantly hopped out the bathroom. "this isn't over!" one of the mokke said, walking slowly out.

"hanako-kun, are you alright?" (y/n) asks, ignoring the small pink bunny's creature remark. "uh, y-yeah." he replied, grabbing his shoe from (y/n)'s hand. he sat down on the wooden floor and put it on, covering his red socks. "that was odd." (y/n) sighed in relief, trying to cover her chuckles. but the memory of hanako having no shoe on and being pulled by the mokke, made her laugh.

"we never speak of this situation. ever." he said, getting up and dusting the non-visible dust off his uniform. "ah, i can't promise you that." (y/n) teased, chuckling at him. "i'm kidding." she connected her hands with his and gave him a warm friendly smile. "thank you, (y/n)." after a few seconds, she let their hands fall to their sides. "but, hanako-kun, what will you do when you see nene-sama?" she asked, putting her right index finger to her bottom lip and cocked her head to the side.

"give her the biggest hug... if she let's me. hey, tell me, (y/n), does she still look how she used to?" he handed her a picture that he took out his uniform. it was yashiro, in her uniform when she attended kamome gakuen, she was mopping the floors in the picture. it seems that he, hanako, had taken this when she was busy cleaning. (y/n) eyed the photo and admired the beautiful young girl. "yeah, she still looks the same." she spoke. hanako was happy, he smiled and hugged her.

shortly after, the bell rang for second period. "oh, i gotta go back to class, hanako-kun," she gently brushed him off her shoulders. "awe! okay, well, come back to clean the bathroom next break." he winked in a playful and teasing way. in place of reply, the female gently giggled and nodded. hanako bid his goodbyes and watched as his assistant walked out the bathroom.

"hmm, she's gone. she's going to be gone forever even after... she- ugh! what am i thinking? i can't think negative." hanako sat on the windowsill. he watched a mixture of middle and high school students walk into the building. "yashiro.. i love her so much! i just wished if she stayed here- forever." then, hanako remembered the day yashiro lived longer.

aoi ran up to yashiro and hugged her. "this is my choice, nene-chan. your crush, number seven of the school mysteries, told me you were dying and i don't want you to die! so, i'm gong to die for you. nene-chan, i want you to live on.

you are my best friend. i'll do anything for you. even if it means we switch lifespans." aoi coughed at the end of her sentence. hanako walked up to the two girl's and looked at yashiro. "this is all for you, yashiro." he said.

"i can't believe i remember that." hanako decided to walk to see tsuchigomori but he remembered he's teaching class. "what can i do?" he asked himself. "yashiro is coming here soon. but she wouldn't wanna see me. now i have to be hanako-san for longer than before. i killed.. aoi akane.. so i gotta atone for my sins."

"heh, uh, honorable number 7..?" a familiar voice roamed the room. turns out it was mitsuba, in his school wonder outfit, who needed something. "minamoto-kun is coming soon so i was wondering if we can go see them..?" he spoke, fully walking into the bathroom. "yeah, i already decided that we will, number 3."

"really?!" a bright smile formed on mitsuba's face. "thank you, honorable number 7." hanako nodded and mitsuba walked out. "goodbye, number 7!" "i guess he only came in to ask that." hanako sighed. "well, now i'm going to see (y/n) since i have nothing to do." he told himself, floating out the bathroom. but unfortunately, he ran into the mokke from earlier. "oh cr-"

after running and floating, hanako the bathroom ghost finally got away. "phew." he sighed, wiping his forehead. "i hope i don't run into them again. now, where was i? right, going to see-"

"hanako-kun-?" a familiar feminine voice called out to the boy. to his surprise, it was someone he once adored. "oh my goodness, it is you!"

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