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— third person / next day —

"i've thought about it much. i have talked with mitsuba about it, too. and he says hanako-kun would always tease nene yashiro. he loved her! but she left him." (y/n) quietly told herself as she rubs her hands together due to the cold and put her hands on her face. "who's mitsuba?" ryuko asks, opening her soda. "also, it's spring. how are you cold?" "it's windy and we are under a tree which has shade. therefore, the wind is going to come closer to us."

"that doesn't make sense, (y/n)." she sighed. "hmm! it makes perfect sense!" "yeah, yeah." (y/n) looks at her phone's time. she realizes it's time for her to clean bathrooms. but ever since they had that tiny fight, she didn't wanna set foot inside that girl's bathroom. "i have to do it." she said, making her hand a fist and her hand flat. she joined her hands together as she said, "i'm not going to be scared! i'm going to go see him!"

"see who? your crush or perhaps your secret boyfriend~? hey! why didn't you tell me you have a boy-" "ryuko-chan! he's not my boyfriend!" "sure, (y/n)-chan, i know you're lying!" "i'm not! i'm sure he doesn't even like me. i'm sure he likes someone else. but i must get going!" (y/n) as she picked up her things and waved goodbye. "ah, okay. i'm just going to get a new soda. see you later, (y/n)-chan!" "bye-bye, ryuko-chan."

— time skip to the bathroom —

"hanako-kun, i'm here!" the (h/c) haired girl shouted. "(y/n)~ i missed you so much!" hanako came out the third stall with his arms in a bunny position. he floated to the girl and hugged her tight. (y/n) felt...cold in his arms yet safe. she shivered then hanako backed away, "i'm sorry." he said. she looked at him and went up to hug him. they fell on the floor but it didn't bother neither of them. she landed on top of him with him on the bottom. "(y/n)?" he asked. "i missed you, too, hanako-kun!" (y/n) replied, cheerfully.

the wholesome moment only lasted a little bit when tsuchigomori came in. he froze at the sight. they looked up at him with a flustered look. "w-w-wait! it's not what you t-think!" hanako stammered. (y/n) instantly got off of the boy and played with her fingers, awkwardly. "uh-huh. well...i'll just let you know later, number 7...uh, goodbye." tsuchigomori left, leaving two awkward kids alone. alone, they looked at each other and giggled. as usual, (y/n) got the mop and started cleaning and hanako watched as he played with the mokke that came inside the bathroom.

"hey, (y/n). it's nice to have you here." (y/n) stopped mopping and looked at him, she had her hand on the tip so she could rest her head. "yeah, i like it here, too." she says as she cocked her head to the side, giving him a warm smile. "that smile. it's like yashiro's smile. they are so alike. the way they talk, they way they want to find out about me, the way they are.. it's just the same." hanako thought to himself. he lifted his leg a bit and rested his head on it. he smiled in return.

— time skip —

"the girl went home, number seven?" "yeah, but i'll see her tomorrow." hanako smiled. "she's just like yashiro." "yashiro? the old assistant? the daikon one?" yako asks as she rests her body on tsuchigomori's desk. "isn't she coming-" "why don't you let me say something, you stupid fox!?" tsuchigomori protests. "who are you calling stupid fox, spider-face!? that is no way to talk to a lady!" she snarled back. "lady!? you're a animal!"

"you're a insect!" hanako backed away as he watched them fight. after 10 minutes of unnecessary fighting, they calmed down. "okay, so i found the out the names of the students coming to the school in a few weeks, or maybe sooner than that." "what are their name's?" "ay, tsuchigomori! i need you for a second." another teacher walked in.

"just tell me later..."

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