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— y/n's pov —

"so, hanako-kun, do you want to see nene-sama?" i put the mop in a corner and watched as he observed the students below. "akane- he- he won't let me see her." he spoke as he faced his attention towards me. "why not?" he shrugged his shoulders in reply and got off the windowsill. "i've been wondering, hanako-kun. how exactly did you- well, first can you promise to be honest with me?" i walk up to him and grab his cold hands. "that depends on what you're asking."

"how exactly did it go down that day?" his face lit up with shock. he opened his mouth but no words came out. he sighed, "you keep asking this, why?" "hanako-kun," i paused and traced my fingers on his chest. "you kept many things from me, why?" i look up at him and stare into his amber eyes. "(y-y/n)..." "you all treat me like i'm a pathetic person. acting like i'm a child- treating me like i'm clueless. nene-sama, hanako-kun, tsukasa-kun, you all... do this to me. i already know i'm going to do d-" hanako cut me off by hugging me. i felt like this had happen before. but i don't know when. "please, (y/n), this will all make sense one day. i promise to tell you everything."

even though i called him my friend... i never made an effort to get to know him and any details about the person he killed. why he died so young or how. i never asked if hanako was his real name. "EH!?" i jump back which was a mistake because my back and head hit the wall. it really hurt- "(y/n)?!" hanako ran up to me and let his hand out. i happily grabbed it as i rubbed my head. "hanako-kun, i just got a memory... but it's not mine." "what do you mean?" "it sounded like nene-sama and she was saying how she called you her friend but she never knew anything about you."

hanako put his finger to his bottom lip. "has this been happening a lot lately?" in place of reply, i nod. "oh-! uh, by the way, are you okay?" "yeah." i chuckle. he smiles and looked back at the only window in this bathroom. "you promise, though, right?" i ask. he looks at me with a confused look. "you promise to tell me everything, right? every single thing." he once again opened his mouth but no words came out. "...yeah..." i widely smile. "thank you, hanako-kun!" i put my hands on my hips, closing my eyes as i kept a wide smile on my face.

"and i promise that you will be able to see nene-sama." i give him a thumbs up with my right hand. "actually... how about today?" "today? are you sure? what if they don't wanna see me, though?" "i'm sure they do! why wouldn't they? it's been forty years, after all." i went up to pat the boy's shoulder. "don't worry, hanako-kun, you can do this." "thank you, (y/n), you're a great friend." "f-friend?" i repeat. "mhm! you're always there for me. like an amazing friend." "just friends, eh?" i thought to myself.

i check my phone seeing that school is almost over. "hanako-kun, i'm going to go, okay?" "oh, okay." we bid our goodbyes and i left the girl's bathroom. i immediately ran to aoi-chan's garden. i called out her wonder name and she appeared but in a different outfit than usual. she wore a navy blue kimono which had very, very, long sleeves. at the end of those sleeves had a flower pattern which was the color of red, yellow, pink and green. the same flower pattern and color was also around her collar, her obi was also red and yellow, and her hair was also down... she looked so pretty- no, beautiful!

"aoi-chan!" "(y/n)? what is it that you ?" "well, may i ask why your hair is down and why your kimono is different than last time." she picked up her kimono from the bottom and brought it up two inches. "i wanted to see akane-kun and nene-chan today." she faced her attention at the ground and smiled.

"this would be the first time i ever left my boundary- well, the garden." "i have a question." she looked up and nodded as a signal to ask. "is the garden really your boundary or is it a cover?" she gently chuckled and grabbed my hand. "i'll show you!" she had a very big smile on her face. she seemed so happy. i wonder why...

she pulled me close to her and covered my eyes. i felt her cold hands cover my eyes. soon, i felt water through my shoes and her hands off of my face. so i peeked my eyes open to see nothing but water. the sky was a very, very, light purple and blue. the water was so clear.

she said "i know it's very plain compared to the other wonders. but it's very calming for me." she chuckled and walked forward. "we can see nene-chan and akane-kun together. do you want to go with me?" she turned her head only a little bit so she could see me. i happily agreed to go with her. she then turned her whole body and had a brush in her hand. "let's give you a make-over!" "eh??? what's wrong with how i look?"

"oh, nothing. what i meant was, like, let's put you in a kimono and style your hair." she snapped her fingers and there was many beautiful kimonos that stood before me. she picked out one that was a snowy white. the sleeves were as long as the one aoi's had. i then started to speak in a loud, surprising tone, "hey! aoi-" she jumped forward to me and covered my mouth. "shhh, they might hear you. they're around so keep quiet, okay?" she gestured her fingers to her lips. "huh?" i cooed. she looked around and there was sounds of children crying. after a couple of seconds the crying and sobbing noises disappeared.

"thank you, (y/n)-chan, for keeping quiet. they can't know a human is in here. they will get mad." she spoke in a happy tone. she clasped her hands together. "okay, so, where were we? ah, yes! (y/n), you may change." she handed me the kimono from earlier and geta sandals. the kimono had the same pattern and colors she had. without saying anything, i gently grab the kimono and sandals from her cold hands. she happily jumps and cheers. "this will be so fun! me seeing my best friends after forty years."

"hey, aoi, why did you tell me to shush earlier?" i say, holding the outfit in my hands. she said, "they are the spirits of the dead children. also known as the mokke. but they weren't in their mokke form. they were in their human form. those poor children. i allow them in my boundary and i promised them that no humans can bother them. that's why when i said to be quiet." "the mokke... are the spirits of dead children!?" "mhmm! well, let's keep dressing you."

after dressing up and styling my hair. we both were finally done. we smiled to each other and happily left the boundary. i was still surprised that the mokke are actual kids that have passed away. "maybe that explains their desires for candy and everyone's belongings." "do you think nene-chan and akane-kun is still here?" aoi says in a shocked and sad tone. "i head they were helping after school, so i'm sure they're still here. also, are you sure it was okay for me to wear such clothing during school-?" "hmmm, i'm sure." she smiled.

we made our way into the school, trying our hardest to dodge teachers. though, when we ran into tsuchigomori-sensei he just looked at us with a tired annoyed looked at walked away. it was unexpected but it didn't bother us much. but as we saw him walked out the school, it came to us that we should have asked him where nene-sama was.

"aoi... (y/n)?" we, aoi and i, both slowly turned around to see nene-sama, akane-kun and kou-kun. i saw aoi's eyes shot open with shock. her mouth dropped open, she covered her mouth only a bit. the two best friends stared into each other's eyes. nene-sama was taller and aoi was shorter- but then again, it was because aoi died at a young age so she took the form of a teenager. "nene-chan, akane-kun, minamoto-kun... you're all actually... here!"

i soon realized that the position my life is right now is deeper than i thought. i mean, i'll die soon. i also have ghosts for friends. not to mention, the person i love is a ghost himself. i wonder, what if i switch lifespans with aoi... and i'll take her school mystery role. then, i'll be able to be with hanako-kun and aoi can be alive with nene-sama and akane-kun. but even if i did do that... what would happen to my family and aoi's? they'll worry...well, aoi-chan's family is probably dead.

i'll need to think about this alone. my fate is mine to write, isn't it? i mean, heh, i have the pen...for now.

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