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third person

as (y/n) got out of the boundary, cold air blew her hair. "should i really find...hanako-kun right now or should i get my body back?" (y/n) paused to think, her hands wrapping around her body to keep herself warm. "what if tsukasa...did something with it? like...hurt my friends?" she asked herself as she walked forward, frowning. soon she was in front of the school. she looked to the left, at the third floor. "hanako-kun," she cooed. "where are you when i need you?"

(y/n) looked back at the garden. "aoi-chan, mokke-chan. the things you guys went through while you were alive." she then proceeded to walk into the the school with confidence. "let's go!! aoi-chan, nene-sama, everyone, here i come!" (y/n) furrowed her eyes. "left or right?" seconds later she decided to go right. she ran in her kimono, trying not to fall. "where would they be? oh, right! hanako-kun's bathroom! but that's....left..." she mumbled at the end of her sentence. she groaned and turned around, running and dodging teaches.

"i'm here!" she cooed. "but, number seven, you can't do that! she won't let you!" aoi's voice called. it came from inside the bathroom. "she's my best friend, i need to do this for her." hanako's voice replied, he sounded sad but he sighed and continued to speak, "i'm sorry, number eight, but it's decided. i know the consequences and so do you. but are you still willing to help?" "akane-kun said he'd love me no matter what. so, yes, number seven. i'll help. but you owe me in the after life!" "yeah, yeah."

"in the after life?" (y/n) whispered to herself. "what does aoi-chan mean by that?" she thought. "hey, number seven, will they forget us?" "no, number eight, they won't. don't worry. i'll make sure of it." "what about (y/n)-chan?" "she's going to take my-" "stop right there, you two!" (y/n) barged in, a hand in the air and a angry expression on her face. "(y/n)-chan!" shouted aoi, causing her to jump in fright and hitting her back against the windowsill. as for hanako, he stood in his place but his hands in the air as if he got caught.

"how much did you hear!?" asked hanako, reaching out his hand for her to grab on. "none of your business!" she pointed and pouted in anger. "hanako-kun, aoi-chan! what's the meaning of th-" "where's your body?" asked aoi-chan. "oh, yeah-" "you were possessed." hanako cut in, walking forward to her. he tried to grab her arm but (y/n) swiftly pulled away. "yeah." she replied, looking down onto the ground. "shijima-san helped me get here." "number four?" they both said at the same time. (y/n) nodded, "yes, she drew a door with vines and flowers all over. though, they were dead. except one. it was a white rose."

"those flowers represent...the future." aoi thought. "oh, no." she cooed. "what, aoi-chan?" asked (y/n), lifting an eyebrow. "nothing." "hey, let's get your body-" "hanako-kun, have you seen- oh? aoi-chan, (y/n)-chan, you're here already." yashiro's eyes shot open. she paused in front of the door. "tsukasa-kun has your body, (y/n)-chan!" she shouted. "nene-sama...you look...younger!?" yashiro blushed and turned away. soon kou and akane walked in. "you all look young- like how you did in high school!"

"yeah, we ran into mirari." said akane, leaning on the door frame. "she said we looked better in our teenager years." he scoffed. "akane-kun!" aoi chimed running toward akane and jumping into his warm arms. she sighed happily and put her head deep into his chest. "aoi-chan, you...missed...me?" he asked blushing. she slowly pulled away and put her arm on her other and looked to the side. "yeah, akane-kun, i did." she cooed. yashiro watched in happiness as her hands were together.

"yashiro!!" hanako went and jumped onto yashiro, causing her to groan. "you're so pretty again!!" as he hanged onto her, yashiro responded with, "was i not pretty as an old lady, hanako-kun!? you jerk!" "well, yeah! i guess..." he whispered to himself towards the end. "hmph! that's what i thought, hanako-kun." she pouted and pointed at him. "i've always been pretty." she put her hand in her hair and posed in a model-like pose. "nene-sama! wow! you're so beautiful!" (y/n) added. in place of reply, yashiro responded with a closed eyed smile.

"soo....number seven. what's the plan?" "the only person who could've possessed her body would be....tsukasa." he slowly got off yashiro and head towards the windowsill. "hanako!- oh, everyone is here already!?" shouted kou, sliding inside the bathroom. his eyes shot open with shock, everyone was young. "we ran into mirari...." akane said. "i see...yeah...so did i." he cooed his cheeks tinting red. "where's mitsuba-kun?" asked yashiro. "tsukasa took him...in (y/n)'s body!! he said he needed mitsuba....but i don't know why!!"

"for this mission, we'll only need me and number eight." said hanako. "wherever aoi-chan goes, i go. and that's finale." scoffed akane giving hanako's a dirty look. "no can do, number one!" "i'm not school mystery number one." akane sighed deeply. "oh, but you are!" "i'm not." "did the clock keepers reeeaaaallly give you up?" teased hanako, bending a little forward closer to akane, his eyes emptied. "y-yeah! they said i was...growing." "that's not what they said." "you don't know anything, hanako." "how can i not know anything, number one? i'm honorable number seven. the leader of them all." "akane-kun, what does he mean?" asked aoi.

"nothing, aoi-chan." "hmmm, if it's nothing to you then it's nothing to me. but if she finds out on her own then your problem." "listen here, you!" akane grabbed hanako by his collar. "i'm not school mystery number one anymore!" soon there was huge pain on akane's arm. he swiftly pulled away. "ah!" he screamed in pain. "you both keep acting like kids!" said a small white fox. "yako-chan!" shouted (y/n) running toward the fox. "why the hell did you bite me, number two!?" asked akane, swinging his hand to make the pain go away.

"i said you keep acting like kids and i hate kids!" she then changed into her beautiful human form. "there is a whole bunch of drama. what's going on?" "we need to get (y/n)'s body back!" yako groaned. she made them get on their knees and bow their head. "first of all, i'm only doing this because you all are so annoying!! second of all, what did number seven decide?" "i said i only need number eight to get (y/n)'s body back." "and then?" "and then number one got mad." "i did not!" "it's okay, akane-kun. we already have a plan." "i wonder what's their plan about." kou thought. "is it bad?" "number eight, you know the consequences." hanako said.

aoi nodded. "hanako-kun never tells me anything." thought yashiro. "i can't believe i'm the one scolding you guys." "mother figure." another familiar voice roamed the room, turns out it was tsuchigomori-sensei. "shut up, you stupid spider face!" "you shut up, you stupid fox!" "agh! how dare you! calling me a stupid fox!?" "yeah! you're stupid fox!!" another fight as started and everyone watched. everyone including, aoi, yashiro, (y/n), hanako, akane, kou. "parents." coughed hanako. yako transformed into her fox form and ran out the room yelling "stupid, dumb, spider face!" tsuchigomori chased after her, leaving the children alone.

"well, that ended quite unexpectedly." said (y/n), getting up and helping others. "i just want my body back." she cried in grief. "your wish is my command." without seconds to waste, hanako grasped aoi's hand and ran out the bathroom. "we have a mission to do, number eight!" "hey, hanako, come back with my future wife!!" "akane-kun, no offense or anything but...aoi-chan is dead...she can't marry anyone." said (y/n). "this is your fault." he responded in a irritated and angry tone of voice. "if only you weren't so weak then you could've fought back the possession."

he glared at her with a disgusted and furious look. "i'm weak?" cooed (y/n). "hey! akane-kun, stop it!" "you're never going to be strong if hanako saves you all the time." "you're wrong." "i'm right." "wrong." "right." "wrong." "right." "wrong." "rig-" "wrong." (y/n) cut in, backing away and hitting her back against the windowsill.

"well, history repeats itself. i wonder who dies this time."

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