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— hanako's pov —

i turned my head to see my old assistant along with the boy and the old school mystery number 1. "y-yashiro?" i spoke, landing on my two feet. "hanako-kun!" she shouted, her hair was like the last time i saw her along with her eyes. "hanako, is that you??" the boy walked up next to yashiro. he eyed me up and down, giving me a disappointed look. "so, you still haven't been forgiven, huh?" he scoffs.

"it's been a long time, hanako." he turns his back on me. "kou..." i say. "yashiro-san, let's not talk to him." number 1-akane walked up and grabbed her hand. she looked at me with a sad look and walked away. "but- it's been a while." was the last thing she said.

i reached my hand out, knowing she wouldn't be able to grab onto it. yashiro finally looked forward as akane let her hand drop to her side. it looked like they were heading towards (y/n)'s classroom. most likely to teach a lesson about this school. this school is a curse. cursed with supernaturals and school wonders. cursed with people who god hasn't forgiven. and if the supernatural or school wonders don't do their role then there's consequences. i look away, heading back to my bathroom where i play my role as hanako-san.

y/n's pov

"nene-sama, you look worried. are you okay?" i ask the woman who was looking down at her paper. "i saw... hanako-kun," she spoke, looking at me. "you... saw him.. again?" "once he hangs out with his old assistant, he will forget you." remembering those words, made me break our eye-contact. i look over at kou, who was talking to other students. then, i look at akane, who was also helping students. "hey, (y/n)-chan, why did you bond with hanako-kun?"

i look back at her, opening my mouth for no words to come out. "why?" i repeat. she nods in reply. "i had a wish obviously. but hanako-kun said he needed a human assistant. well, he only said that because i ate the fish scales, i noticed that a few days ago. only people near death can see and touch supernaturals, am i wrong, nene-sama?"

she gives me a shock expression. "well, that makes more sense now." "who told you that, (y/n)-chan?" she tilts her head, her face returning to normal. "i dunno, i heard it in an memory. but it wasn't mine. what was the fake world? i also remember something about- hmm, forget about it." i put my index finger to my bottom lip, "so, what was a fake world?" "the fake world? i hate to be the one to tell you this but... maybe it's best if you find out more later," she rubbed her neck.

"why are they treating me like i don't know about anything. why keep it a secret?" i nod, giving her a smile. my smile wore off as my main teacher called the trio back. "nene-sama," i whispered as she walked away. i got out my paper and started writing what i knew. such as, "nene-sama is hanako-kun's old assistant, 40 years ago. aoi-chan is nene-sama's old friend and is akane-kun's old love?" i read out loud for only myself to hear,

"what'cha doing, (y/n)-chan?" my friend, ryuko, walked towards me, drinking a juice box. she sat next to me, trying to see my paper. "writing something?" i nod, in agreement and reply. "i think it'll be helpful for me." i give her a smile. "nice, well, have you heard this rumor?" i look up. "the one about kazuno-sama-" my eyes open wide, giving my best friend a shocked look. i didn't know how to reply.

i, myself, already know this rumor. for kazuno-sama is my friend. i sigh and confess, "i-i, uh, already know this...rumor. kazuno-sama is the 8th wonder. the secret wonder." i flush up a bit, kinda embarrassed knowing the rumor already.

"someone told you already?" she got up, with their juice box in hand. "what are you doing?" i ask. she threw their head back a little and put their hand on their forehead. "how dare you, (y/n)-chan!" the tone sounded dramatic. "what's with the dramatic-" "how dare you cheat on me! i thought what we had was special. was i not fast enough to tell you rumors, best friend?" the end sounded sarcastic. she put their juice box down and put her hands on her hips. "wait, are you serious?" i tilt my head in confusion as she turn her back on me. i noticed that everyone was staring at us. "you do not love me anymore! you cheated! you broke what we had. hmph! shame on you, (y/n)-chan!" "calm down, ryuko-chan!" she looked my way, smiling and giggling.

i sigh, "what the hell was that? and how did you not get in trouble." "the teachers are gone." she points to the empty desk. "wow, they are." "yep! but, seriously, who told you the rumor?" she spoke, sitting down next to me, leaning back, drinking the rest of the juice.

"someone who isn't alive." i cooed. "hm?" she cocked their head to the side. "oh, well, they must be fast!-whoever they are!" "yeah." i reply, resting my head against the cold desk. "fast and dead." i mumbled. "what are you saying, (y/n)-chan?" "i wonder myself." his old assistant, his old lover, his old best friend, his old...dear...yashiro nene.

"we forgive and forget, don't we?"

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