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— third person —

(y/n) slowly got onto the bars and tried to balance on them. "in fact, i don't really care if i die." she let her hands fall to her side as the wind blew the sleeves and her hair. "hanako-kun, please, grant my wish." she paused and slowly turned around, still balancing on the bars. "hanako-san-" "wait! (y/n), when you ask like that then i can't decline!" (y/n)'s eyes shot open.

"you all treat me like a child. aoi-chan is the only one who told me straight up that i was going to die. hanako-kun, you didn't tell me you had a assistant before me or a brother." "hey, (y/n)!" mitsuba's voice was now heard. he happily walked onto the rooftop in his school mystery form. "don't die."

"i heard a rumor, this sad rumor. about a girl who perished and lost everything. now she's alone,"

"mitsuba, why not?" "you have a family. you have a future!" (y/n) then got down and walked up to him. she hugged him, "i just want aoi to be happy along with her friends." "how do you expect us to be happy knowing that in order for aoi to live... another life was taken?" said akane.

"have you heard of this? she took the role of someone important. the power to grant the wishes of the living."

"well," (y/n) paused. "like i said... i don't care if i die." "that's what a lot of people said, (y/n)-chan, and most regret it." said yashiro. "can you at least tell me what happened in that past?" everyone looked at each other. akane nodded in irritation and spoke, "hanako killed aoi. i promised her i'd stay but i couldn't. the clock keepers... they told me they didn't need me anymore. so i left... i forgot that aoi wanted me to stay, but i never had the guts to come here,"

she is the new number 7 of the school mysteries and they say if you find out why there is a new one...then something will happen.

"i should've died... i should've took my fate. but i was so stubborn... i was selfish," "that's not true, nene! you didn't want aoi to die." kou comforted her. "thanks, kou-kun." "can we all talk?" asked hanako. "(y/n), can you wait here?" he added on. "sure... i guess." (y/n) back away from the three ghost and three adults. they all went inside and closed the doors behind them.

she is hanako-san of the toilet.

— with the group —

"i was thinking," stated hanako. "so was i." added aoi. they looked at each other and smiled but the adults knew those smiles were fake. "she wants to die," said kou. "sounds edgy." akane joked as he chuckled. everyone looked at him with a look that couldn't be explained. "no time for jokes, akane-kun." aoi spoke. "she will die in the next three days. so that's our time limit. we have to let her perish. then, me and number 7 will take control afterwards."

"what about her family?" asked mitsuba. "after what's going to happen... her existence won't exist. so her family won't even noticed her gone."

"what are you guys gonna do?" akane asked as he crossed his arms and rested his back on the wall. "you'll see." they both said. "can i know?" mitsuba asked. "someone with my beautiful looks deserves to know." he said as he started to swing his hips side to side. kou went up to him and bonked his head. "ow, minamoto-kun! did my looks make you jealous??" he remarked.

"shut up, dumbass." "hanako-kun, i'm serious, what are you planning this time." "something that'll change a lot of things." "we don't want anything to change." kou now focused on the problem. he too crossed his arms and rested his back on a wall. "just... whatever you do, hanako, make sure... you don't regret it."

— with y/n —

"i wonder what's happening. is it about me? well, more importantly... when will i die?" she thought to herself as she sat carefully on the cold floor. "this is so... sad." she spoke as she heard the sound of doors opening. she turned her head to see the people who went away to talk. yashiro had a sad frown but it immediately went away when the sun touched her face. that was actually the same for everyone.

"so...?" (y/n) spoke, getting up and facing them. she played with her fingers to pass time. "aoi-chan? hanako-kun? everyone? what was with that frown-?" "oh, you noticed." hanako rubbed his head. (y/n) smiled and opened her mouth but she hesitated to speak. she crossed her arms, "what if...we all died. then we all would be friends forever," "wait, what!?" yelled mitsuba. mitsuba felt fear crawl up his back. "i don't have a great feeling." mitsuba ran into the school while kou ran after him. "kou-kun!" yelled yashiro but sadly kou didn't respond or look back. "...just kidding." (y/n) quietly added on. but the tone didn't sound like a joking manner, it sounded like she was serious yet sad.

"everything is for you." aoi and hanako spoke and pointed at (y/n). "what do you mean?" asked (y/n). "yeah, hanako, what's going on?" "don't tell me.." akane paused. "you said you were gonna give her three days!?" "right, hanako-kun, aoi-chan, don't do it already!" yelled yashiro. the two wonders looked at each other then looked at them. "we know."

aoi looked away then back the duo. she grabbed her kimono from the bottom and brought it up about an inch. she then looked down and smiled, "it was nice seeing you, nene-chan, akane-kun. but me and honorable number seven had decided something that you won't like. this might be our last chance to see each other... or not. you never know." she then disappeared into thin air.

"aoi!?" akane yelled as he ran where she stood. he then turned his head to hanako and gripped onto the collar of his shirt. "where'd she go!?" "how am i supposed to know? but aoi-chan is most likely in her boundary." "hanako-kun, what did you mean by something we won't like?" asked (y/n). "oh, you'll see when the time comes." and with that hanako also disappeared into white smoke. "that- that boy!" akane grunted in stress but calmly walked back to yashiro. "we gotta find kou-kun. come on, you two!"

"oh, okay!" (y/n) ran with the duo, dodging teachers so they wouldn't get in trouble especially (y/n). "i wonder where he is."

— broadcasting room —

"you finished with the rumor, my lady?" natsuhiko asked as he saw his wife take off the headphones. "yes, natsuhiko, i am." she gave him a small warm smile. natsuhiko immediately flustered up. he went up to her and got on one knee, he grabbed her soft hand gently and kissed it, "you are a my goddess, my queen, my-." "dad!" yelled himawari. "not now!" she groaned in embarrassment.

"i'm sorry, princess." natsuhiko got up and went to go next to his child. he then rubbed her hair which made it messy. "dad!! my hair...." she groaned once more. "oh, uh, sorry." "natsuhiko- stop messing with himawari." she went up to himawari and tried to fix her hair and succeeded! afterwards, she dusted her dress.

sakura's dress was somewhat, like, cottage core. it had a beautiful green shade on the bottom and the part around her chest and arms was white. her hair was how her hair was when she worked for tsukasa. as for natsuhiko, he had the same hairstyle and wore the same outfit when he also was a teen. but the sizes, for the clothes, were bigger than before. "my lady, what do you think of the new rumor?"

"it's quite interesting and i'm sure it'll be told everywhere, even out the school." she looked at her microphone and sighed a deep sigh. "school mysteries do live up to their label. the seven mysteries of kamome gakuen."

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