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third person

"our new leader is another kid!?" scoffed yako turning away, crossing her arms. "i'm a kid?" hanako questioned. "so am i!" aoi added with a hand in the air. "yes, but-" "number eight, you are the school healer. the one who heals the students. i wonder why you became that specific kind. do you have any reason from when you were alive." tsuchigomori asked as he let out smoke. "i healed my best friend-we switched lifespans. so i guess that's why i became one." she snapped her fingers.

"shall i create a world where we are all alive?" shijima asked as she whipped out her book and a pencil. "like the one in the past?" she cooed with a smile. she looked at hanako-kun. he had a frown on his face. "no, thank you, number four." "oh, but, number seven! why not? perhaps you are afraid your assistant will defeat the world again." her eyes emptied and she leaned forward, "but my yorishiro is already been took." she fixed her glasses then smiled. "along with number two, five-hmm, who else?" she looked around.

"you couldn't destroy number three's yorishiro, huh?" "number four, that's enough." "did you know that your newest assistant is a reincarnation of yashiro-san? haha, yeah! she was supposed to die, right? i guess you both messed up the after life. that's why they are so similar. their smile, their actions and how they never give up. (l/n) (y/n) was supposed to be the new yashiro nene. i means, she kinda is. would you not agree, lord seven?"

"(y/n) is a reincarnation?" he cooed. "you're leaving because you think you are finished atoning your sins-the murder of two people. but what if you're not?" "the school mysteries are falling apart. what if your assistant isn't good at leading us?!" yako asked. "lord six doesn't even come here!" "we are all dead-" tsuchigomori looked around. "well, most of us." he cooed. "if we go...then we go. that's just life." he added. "i don't want to go, number five." shijima turned her head. "i want to try more candy!" mirari shouted in anger. "you're going to get cavities." kako replied.

"i'm a supernatural, that's impossible!" she giggled. "lord seven, who will fill number three's spot?" "anyone who's stupid enough to become one of us." "did you just insult me!?" yako spoke up. "i simply cannot." she added calming down. "everyone, let's just spend the rest of our lives as the school wonders of kamome gakuen." aoi smiled with her head down, tears falling down her cheek. "akane-kun, i love you." she cooed to herself with eyes closed. "forgive me." she added. "this is the end for us both, lord seven." she looked up at him with a sad look. "back to seven mysteries."

with akane, nene, kou

"she's gone forever, akane-kun!" yashiro cried. "because of me, i could've saved her." "yashiro-san, please, calm down." he tried to grab her hands away from her eyes but she just wouldn't move. "senpai! please, don't beat yourself up! it really wasn't your fault." soon, a weird aura joined them on the rooftop. "aha...haha...hehe!" giggling was now heard, black smoke filled the floor. "she's dead! (n/n)-chan is dead! awee! well, that's two people gone." a familiar voice called. "two people?" kou cooed to himself, eyes roaming the whole rooftop to find the source of the voice.

"my assistant is very sad! they were friends!" kou finally found out who it was. the word "assistant," gave it away. "tsukasa, what do you mean by two people?" kou called out and soon there was a boy who looked like hanako-kun. yugi tsukasa. "you found me!" tsukasa giggled. he appeared closer to kou's face with his sadistic smile and emptied eyes. "i got rid of mitsuba one and for all. do you still have that camera from before? no? well, here ya go!" tsukasa pulled something from his back. a camera!! mitsuba's camera..

"how'd you get that!?" kou snatched it from his hands. "what do you mean you got rid of mitsuba!?" "he's gone." tsukasa backed away. kou got angry-no, furious! he done with this. he lost two best friends. he snapped. he brought out his staff. "i secretly kept this hidden just in case i'd need it!" he lifted it in the air and twirled the staff. it began to charge up. "how wonderful!" tsukasa clapped his hands. "what a pity. i thought we could be friends." "who would be friends with such a monster like you!?" "kou-kun!? stop it!" kou didn't reply, he ignored yashiro. he never did that. "that's enough." said another familiar voice."

"hanako-kun!" shouted yashiro. "number seven?" questioned akane. "hanako!?" yelled kou. his staff slowly calmed itself down. "it won't help anything." "amane! amane! amane!" tsukasa ran up to hanako and hugged him tight. "tsukasa, why did you get rid of number three." "he was getting in the way amane! but it's okay! i got his power for you and your sacrifice!! isn't that nice?" "huh!?" "sacrifice!? what is he talking about, hanako-kun!?" yashiro shouted walking up to them. but as she grew closer, something wouldn't let her near hanako or tsukasa.

"me and amane are talking." tsukasa got off of hanako and looked at yashiro with no expression. his eyes were empty, though. pure black. no color. his eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowing, he pointed at yashiro who was rubbing her head. "amane is going to sacrifice himself along with school mystery number eight." "tsukasa!? how did you know that!?" hanako went up to him and turned him around so tsukasa was facing him. "amane, everything i do is for you." without hesitating, he pushed hanako away and grabbed something behind him.

"e-eh?" "once i give this to you, you will grow stronger." "that's very unnecessary, tsukasa-san." "oh~? number eight, you decided to join us." tsukasa grinned. aoi appeared in front of hanako in her school mystery outfit. "i, aoi akane, will not use number three's power. if that power goes to him, then nobody can become number three again. that will cause the world to go unbalanced. that cannot happen." tsukasa put a finger to his lips. "but amane needs it!"

"no, he does not, tsukasa-san. we are somewhat the protectors of this school. some of us grant wishes for the living. one of us can see the futures of others in books. one of us can create fake worlds reflecting people's desires. we are all different. that doesn't need to change. please, tsukasa-san. become a good person and join us. help us!" vines grew behind hanako and aoi. "i am the healer of this school, tsukasa-kun. but soon i'll just be a memory."

"number eight?" asked hanako as he looked behind. "are you ready, lord seven?"  hanako sighed in sadness. "may the sacrifice begin."

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