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— third person —

school finally ended and (y/n) is now going to the bathroom. as for yashiro, kou and akane, they stayed at the school. they decided to helped the other teachers but promised to hang out and talk to (y/n) later. "hanako-kun, i'm here!" the (h/c) haired girl shouted. hanako came out the stall with a happy look. "yay! you're here!" "mhm. but hanako-kun, there's someone here at this school who you know!" she cheered. "what do you mean?" he asked. she tilted her head in confusion, she was confident that hanako would know who she's talking about.

"hmm, i'll let you find out yourself." she walked by the sinks and put her hand against the cold glass mirrors. "mitsuba.. where did you actually go?" she cooed to herself as her head slowly went down. "are you okay? heh, what am i saying. you're school mystery number three. i know you're okay." she looked back at hanako who is just playing cards with the mokke. she smiles and walks towards him, but as she slowly walks away something grabs her. "huh!?" she gasps and looks back, there was a black shadow figure in the mirror and a purple-ish black hand that looked like it was dripping, it pulled her in closer but she fought back.

"what is that!?" hanako's attention was caught, his face was getting traumatized more and more as he realized what was going on. "no! not again!" he ran up to her and tried to grab her open hand but the purple hand pulled her in closer and closer to the mirror. "(y/n)!" he shouted. it was now too late to save her, her body was halfway in the mirror. she squirmed around, trying to escape but it didn't work.

"hold on!" hanako once again tried to grab her open hand, fingers inches apart from touching. but he lost her, just like that day he lost yashiro. "she's gone.. again. i can't lose her. i have to get her back, she should be in number three's boundary. i need number two for this.."

y/n's pov

"again? am i in mitsuba's boundary?" i told myself. i was in a room but it was empty, there was no windows and only a door. "hanako-kun! wait.. that isn't hanako-kun..?" 'eh!? i don't remember saying that'. i rub my head and get up to look around. there was hand prints everywhere, all different shades of blue and purple. "i must be in mitsuba's boundary for sure then! i remember this!" i say to myself and walk to the door. i twist the door handle to reveal something that isn't his boundary.

"hey, you!" i heard a familiar voice shout to me. "now that they are back, i'll need your help to get rid of them!" something grabbed onto my arms and dragged me closer to the voice. "who are you and why did-" before i could finish telling this mysterious creature, it brought me to a light and another door. "i'm going to borrow your body for a while, okay?" the shadow figure that i saw in the mirror came to me and revealed himself under the light. "tsukasa!? what do you mean you're going to borrow my body!? i do not give you consent!?!"

the boy swept me off my feet and carried me in his arms, bridal style, but not as aggressive like the way he dragged me here. "we are going back to the broadcasting room for a bit. night night!" he said that while placing his two fingers on my forehead, making me pass out.

"he doesn't wanna do that, okay?" a fainted young voice of nene-sama said. it sounded like she was just crying for some reason. i wonder why.

"thank you, daikon-senpai.." i hear mitsuba's voice next, his voice sounded like he was tired. why do they sound like that? did something happen?

why are these memories playing in my head? they aren't mine. i never did or said any of those things. what's wrong with my head?

third person

"a-ah! t-tsukasa-kun, is she alright?" himawari worryingly asked as she watched tsukasa bring in the sleeping girl. he ignored her and walked towards mitsuba. "mitsuba~ is it okay to use her body?" he asked. "sakura said to be more careful with girls than the boys so, is it careful to use it?"

"what do you mean use it? and is she okay!?" mitsuba instantly got up and grabbed her from his arms, he sat down on his knees with her on his left side. he looked at tsukasa and said, "why would you need her body?"

"to get rid of a certain someone and with her body i can see amane again!" his sadistic smile formed on his face, "i want to play again. you can agree, right?" "i can't let you use her body like that, i.. i won't let you!" mitsuba shouted and watched as tsukasa's smile turn normal. he placed (y/n) behind his back, he looked at tsukasa with a sad expression and tried to get away as fast as he could. "mitsuba, you're going to regret that."

"(y/n)-chan, she's my best friend. i can't let you use her!" he passed himawari, which was a mistake. she grabbed (y/n)'s uniform and pulled her. (y/n) awoke due to this sudden action and looked around, confused and kinda scared. she saw mitsuba, himawari and tsukasa who had his sadistic smile again.

"gooood moooorning sleepy head! and good job, himawari." himawari smiled with glee and was glad she was getting a compliment from him. "hyuuga-senpai? what's the meaning of this?" "(y/n)-chan! tsukasa wants-"

"i'm going to borrow you're body, okay? so you're going to need to sleep again." he walked towards her and crouched down to her height on the ground. "tsukasa! i said no!" she leaned her face towards his. "i wasn't asking." he said as his smile went away. his face was serious. but like last time, he put her to sleep with his two fingers and possessed her.

"tsukasa..?" himawari bend down to see if the possession had been a success. and it did, he shot right up in (y/n)'s body. he opened his eyes and they were no longer (e/c), they were now tsukasa's color eyes. the pupils were different as well. tsukasa got up in the body and looked at mitsuba. "well~? ne, ne, mitsuba, i did it."

"give (y/n) her body back.." he spoke. "please." "ehh, not right now! i said i need it. don't worry, mitsuba, i'll give it back when i'm done." and with that, tsukasa walked out the broadcasting room. "i hope people don't suspect me. it has been a loooong time."

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