Author's Note From 2021

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Hello, loves.

When I first wrote this story, I was 12, trying to go through tough times while trying to impress a girl I had a crush on.

Yeah, enough words said, right?

You would think that people would stray away, especially from a story that hasn't been updated in years. Well...

I was damned.

To this day, I continue to get notifications from these stories. Votes, comments, 'Added to [ ] list. Not that I mind it or anything! Please, don't get me wrong. It's just that... How?

IT'S SO CRINGEY! And I am 100000000000000.99% positive there are grammatical and spelling errors. I haven't read any comments, except for one.

And it made my whole life.

I put a picture of Sh4ne D4ws0n (before he got canceled) and got SO many comments on how it timed badly, and I couldn't agree more. (I thought I would add this; hopefully, someone can get a laugh out of it.)

Alright, now I got sidetracked.

ALL IN ALL, thank you all for reading and STILL finding enjoyment in my cringe. I hope it appeals to your taste. I don't really want to delete it because people still read it, and it's my most popular story.

I have thought about keeping it up, but the cringe gets to me every time; but, I'll do exactly that.

I doubt I will edit and fix the story, but the possibility is still there.

I hope you guys get a kick of what 12-year-old Karma wrote in their primetime.

Love you guys, stay nerdy <3


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