Back Again...~

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Mori's POV

"You really couldn't have chosen a better time, couldn't you?," I asked the group of people who were watching me and y/n.

"Nope!" yelled out Hikaru. "If anything, you should thank us, we recorded everything, especially... her moan.~"

"You delete that right now, you devil," I blushed. I turned back to see if y/n was awake, but she was out like a light. I walked over to her, and laid her properly onto my bed, and covered her up. She smiled in her sleep, and muttered something about food with Eren, whoever that was.

"Hey, let's go downstairs. We brought a guy along who said was your friend," said Tamaki.

"Who? I only talk to you guys for the most part."

"This guy named Damien," spoke out Honey.

My eyes widened, and I ran downstairs, and saw him sitting on my couch, waiting patiently.

"Why hello there, Mori. Missed me?" He joked out. I ran to him and punched him in the jaw.

"You bastard! Why did you come here? You know y/n despises you, so why even bother?!" I yelled out in rage. He laughed maniacally, and looked at me with a devilish smirk.

"I'm here to reclaim what's mine, you son of a bitch." He lunged at me, but I easily dodge.

"Mori!!" yelled the short blonde. Damien looked over, and threw the object that was near him, which was a TV remote. Kaoru slapped it to the floor before it got near his face.

"What was that for, asshole?!" He yelled out.

"God, can't you guys fucking understand?! I am in love with y/n, and she is in love with me! Now! If you little shits can please hand her over to me, that would be quite lovely!" Damien yelled out, and threw porcelain vase towards me. I kick it, and he lunges at me again, holding me by the neck. He pins me to the floor, still choking me. The others tried to help, but he pointed a knife their way. Haruhi scared relentless, ran upstairs, I suppose to wake up y/n. She can't see this, she can't see him. He'll hurt and take her again.

I swallowed the little breath I had left, and switched our positions. I began to punch him in the face, breaking his nose.

Haruhi's POV

I run up the stairs and into Mori's room. Bursting through, I jump on y/n, and frantically shake her awake.

"y/n! Wake up! Please!" I yelled out. Her eyes began to open slowly, and sat up in a panic.

"Haruhi! What's wrong? Why did you wake me up? Where's Mori?" she asked.

"That's the problem! Your ex-boyfriend is here, and he and Mori are fighting."

Her eyes widened, and she ran off the bed and through the door. She proceeded downstairs, and saw the two brawling it out.

Your POV

It can't be. Why the fuck is he here? How did he find his house?

"Damien!" I yell out. His and Mori's attention drift to me.

"My darling! I missed you so much. Come on, let's get out of this shit place," he said as he walked towards me. In rage, I walk towards him too, only to grab him by the hair and smash his face with my knee. I threw him to the ground, and kicked his back.

"Leave me the fuck alone! Get the damn hint that I hate you! I'm in love with Mori, and always will be!" I yelled out, tears running down my face.

He gets back up, and looks at me with a sad face. "Oh, so that's how it is. I guess..."

"I have to get rid of the pest."

Damien pulled out a hand pistol from his jacket, and shot Mori in the back. He shot him again, in the leg. I ran to him slapped the gun from his hand. Mori collapsed, and the group ran to his aid.

"You little shit!!" I began to cry hard, and pick up the knife off the floor.

Honey saw my action, and yelled at me, "y/n, you can't do that! He isn't worth it!"

I looked up from the floor, and stared into his eyes. I was emotionless, and said,

"It's not the first time I killed someone."

I jumped on Damien, and he coughed in response.

"Darling?" He said.

"Rot in hell, you piece of fucking shit."

I stabbed him in the eye, then in the cheek, and in the chest, and the arm, and the stomach. I want him dead, out of my life. He screamed in pain and horror as I did so, and my friends watched me. I continued to stab him repeatedly, until I heard nothing come out of his shitty mouth.

I stood up, and stared at them with tears in my eyes,

"I'm sorry you had to see that," and with that, I stabbed myself in the stomach, and fell into unconsciousness.

'I love you, Mori,' was all I thought.

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now