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Leo's POV

I'm really going to stay at Branden's place... I can't do it! He's my best friend, I can't have a crush on him. Or is it even a crush?!

"Agh!!" I yelled out, accidentally.

"What's wrong, L?" asked my sister.

"Uh, n-nothing!"

Dammit I stuttered. I freaking stuttered!

While we were sitting on the driveway, waiting for y/n's "friend" to get here, a black but expensive car pulled up.

"Mori~" exclaimed y/n. She got up and ran to the car, me following beside her.

"Hello, love. Is this your brother?" He asked, taking a glance at me.

"Hi," I said with a stern face.

"I'm Mori, I'm dating your lovely sister," he said.

"Don't hurt her, or I'll find where you live and cut both your ball-"

"Leo! I'm sorry. He's just protective of me," said y/n.

"Not to worry. I would be too if I were in his place. Get in the back, Leo. I'm taking you to your friend's house."

"Okay.." I muttered and opened the door to the back, and hopped in. My sister got front seat, and he started to drive away from the house. I looked out the window, to see the house, and it made me remember all the things that happened there.

After a while, the car came to a stop, and I looked out the window again. We were in front of Branden's house.

"Here's your stop, Lee," she spoke.

I got out the car and stood at the front window, looking at my sister. She got out the car and hugged me, me giving the hug back.

"I'm gonna miss you sis.."

"I am too, Lee Lee. Just remember, I'm always with you, never forget that," she said as she grasped the small seashell dangling off my neck. She looked down at it, and kissed it, then she kissed my forehead. I smiled, and turned to face his house. I began to walk towards the front door. As I was about to knock, the door suddenly opened, and I stopped my hand from plummeting into Bee's face.

"Hey L," he said with a smile. I turned my head back to the car, and waved to the both of them. I walked inside, wishing my sister will be safe with him.

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now