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February 14, 20XX

Your POV

"Ew," was the first thought that came to my mind when I looked at my phone's calendar. "Valentine's Day. Whoop-de-bloody-doo." I got up from my precious bed and got ready. Oh, I forgot to mention that the hospital released me a couple days ago. They realized that I was olay to walk and move around, so they let me go; and I'm living with my darlin- I mean Mori-senpai...

I walk to the bathroom and take a nice and brisk shower. After I finished, I just sat there with the water running, It felt nice; as if it were raining. I got out, and I see a present bag. I walk to it and look inside; it was a beautiful pastel green dress, that goes up to my knees. Along with it came a precious pendant, and new white sneakers. There was a note on the bottom when I took everything out.

"Get dressed in this, and meet me at the tree near the park. I'll be waiting, love.


I blushed and looked at what was in the bag once more. I blushed, and put the dress on, as long as the sneakers. I debated whether or not to wear the pendant and just wear my mother's necklace, but in the end, i decided to wear it. Once my hair was semi-dry, I began to curl it, I wanted to look nice for today, which was rather rare, since I hate Valentine's. I finished, and looked in the mirror, and I couldn't believe wha I was looking at. I look absolutely stunning. The beautiful pastel green made my e/c eyes stand out, and it made me quite slimmer. At that moment, I felt exactly like a princess, and looked the part too.

Getting me out of my daze, my phone ruung; it was a text from Haruhi.

H: "How's it going?"

Y: "very funny haru"

H: "Lol, I know. I heard you and Mori-senpai are going on a date today, since it's Valentine's~"

Y: "can you not?! >////<"

H: "Alright, alright I'll stop bothering you. Have fun ;)"

Y: "later -/////-"

I put my phone down and took a glance at the time, 5:23. I grabbed a random purse that was near me, and smacked some lip gloss on my lips. I headed down the street, and see a tall figure standing at a tree. I began to run towards it, thinking it was Mori...

But it wasn't.

It was Damien.

"Hello my darling! Don't you look dashing today?"

"How the hell are you here?! I fucking killed you! T-this isn't possible!"

"Aww, does my baby need some comforting?" He darted at me.

I began to shriek and run, and saw him multiply. 2, 4, 16.

I stopped in my tracks, and saw Mori across the street. I'm sure it was him, it had to be. I ran into his arms, tears rushing down my cheeks and falling onto his shirt.

"Think again sweetheart."

And everything went black.

I awoke to me screaming and crying in my bed. Mori bursted through the door, and stared at me.

"Y/n! What's wro-"

Before he even finished asking, I jumped into his arms. I immediately felt safe.

"Don't ever leave me again, dumbass! I love you too much..." I sobbed into his chest.

He petted my head, and said, "You know I'd never leave you, I love you too much." He kissed my forehead, and I stared into his eyes.

"H-happy V-val-lentine's Day..." I said with my face bright red. He smiled softly, and kissed me.

"Happy Valentine's day to you too y/n."


Mori and I wounded up staying home and watching Netflix. We watched scary movies, and I would constantly jump and then act tough.

"Afraid, love?"

"Not at alLLL HOLY SHIT!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I covered my mouth, and giggled. He pulled me into an embrace, and I felt safe once more.

"I'm glad to have you in my life, Mori."

"And me to you, y/n."

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now