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Your POV

Everything's dark, and everything hurts. What happened, and why can't I see? I feel weak, and cold. Ah, I can feel hands on me, and hear yelling. Are they the hosts? Why are they here?

I opened my eyes, becoming blind by the sudden light. I see Kyoya and Hikaru in front of me. I can't move, nor can I hear, but I knew they were trying to speak with me. My eyes moved, and I found Mori. Haruhi, Honey, and Kaoru are to his aid. Tamaki is in the corner, trembling with a phone in his hand. I suppose he called someone.

I drift into unconsciousness once more.

Hikaru's POV

"(y/n)! Come on, girl, stay awake, please." I yelled as I saw her close her eyes again. I grunted, "Tamaki, where's the ambulance?"

"I don't kn- It's outside," he said as he pointed out the window. Kyoya and I carried (y/n) to the ambulance, and the paramedics came out, as well as most of the neighborhood.

"What happened?" asked one of the paramedics.

I was in complete shock to respond, thankfully Kyoya told them the story. I turn back and see everyone else carrying Mori towards our direction. I put (y/n) down on a stretcher, and go help the others. We quickly lay him on a different stretcher, and the paramedics put them both in the back of the ambulance.

"Can we please come?!" asked Haruhi, in tears and shock.

"There's no more room for you all to fit, if possible, get a ride," said a different paramedic, a female. She closed the doors, and hopped in, the ambulance quickly leaving the driveway and to the hospital.

Momentarily after, we had my butler take us, and we were all in a panic, but Kyoya seemed the most calm out of all of us.

Haruhi's POV

Why did this happen? Why did he come back? How did he know she came back to Japan?

Millions of questions sped through my mind, making me cry harder. Tamaki, pulling me into a hug, whispered into my ear, "I'm worried too, Haruhi, but we have to keep our heads up in hope, that they both will be fine." He cooed, and kissed the top of my head. I buried my face into his chest, and he hugged me tighter. I hugged back, and was close to slumber, until the brakes were slammed, and we all exited the car. We were finally at the hospital, I'm glad. I darted inside, and asked he receptionist for (y/n)'s room. She didn't answer, as she simply told us to wit until the doctor comes out, and that she'll inform him that we're here.

We walked to the waiting room, and held onto Tamaki's hand, it was warm, and comforting. I looked around and took a look at everyone's face; they were all tired, Honey's eyes were puffy and red from the crying, as were mine. But everyone had that same look in their eyes, complete shock, and I knew what everyone was thinking of...

"Please be okay, the both of you."

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now