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Your POV

We shortly arrived to Mori's house-- I mean freaking mansion! This place is so huge, and this brings back memories when I came here for Easter... It was so much fun.

"We're here, y/n," Mori spoke out.

Coming back from the trip down memory lane, I was brought back to reality, and got off the car with my stuff in my hand.

"Thanks Mori for letting me stay at your place.." I muttered under my breath. Mori turned back, and picked my head up by my chin, "Anything for you, love," he said with a smile. I blushed, and went tsundere mode.

"Uh.." I uttered out, and pushed him softly, then looked down to my feet. He grinned and grabbed my hand, and lead me to the living room. I put my suitcase down, and took in the scenery. I walked up the stairs, and accidentally walked into his room. His door was open, and curiosity took over me, I looked inside and jumped into his bed.

"Ahh~ So soft and warm!" I exclaimed, and hugged one of his pillows.

"Having fun, y/n?~" Mori asked me. My eyes widened and I sat up on the bed.

"Uh, uhhh.." I blushed furiously. "I swear.."

"You swear what?" He asked with a smirk, and began to walk closer to the bed.

"Um?!" I silently yelled. He crawled on the bed, and ended up being on top of me. By this, I was a fucking tomato. He inched his face closer to mine, and began kissing me. I melted into the kiss and closed my eyes. We stayed like this only for a minute, until he proceeded to trail his tongue on my lower lip. I softly moaned, and my mouth opened, his tongue darting in. I moaned a little louder, and felt him smirk between the kiss. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth, and he would occasionally suck my tongue, and me being new to this shit, I obviously moaned a bit too loudly.

I broke the kiss, in need of air, and he then began to kiss my neck.

"Mori!!~" I softly moaned when he kissed a sensitive spot. He teased the same spot, and left a love mark; or a hickey, and moved to some other spot. I wrapped my legs around him, and he lifted me up so I could sit on his lap, and I felt his boner.

"Mori.." I panted out. He stopped and looked at me, and I immediately kissed him. I was in partial lust by now. He pushed me onto the bed, him on top of me again, and took off his shirt. My eyes widened, and my head fell back. He crawled on top of me once again and we began to kiss again.

We were too busy loving each other to even hear the knocking behind his door. I opened my eyes and looked to its direction, and saw Hikaru and Kaoru recording us, and Tamaki, Honey, and Haruhi's face were astonished, while Kyoya was simply emotionless.

"Ha... HAH?!" I yelled out. Mori looked at the door, and I swear I saw a sweat drip through his face. I began to have a nosebleed, and passed out.

Thanks a lot, assholes.

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now