Birthday~ Pt. 1

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Your POV

The alarm went off, and I grumbled. I moved around to try find it, but I touched an arm instead. I opened my eyes, and saw Mori next to me. I jumped up, and blushed a bright red. As I calmed down, I turned the clock off, and laid back down. I began to play with his hair, and thought how cute he looks when he's sleeping.

I decided to get out of bed and headed downstairs. The sun was out, and I hated it. It's too bright, it hurts my eyes; plus I'm not a morning person. 8:13 A.M. Around this time, I would be dead asleep cuddling up to my unicorn stuffie. I walked to a cabinet; still not used to my new surroundings. I opened it, and found heaven.

"C-candy!!!" I yelled out. I've never felt so much like a child until now. There were chocolate bars, sour candies, lollipops, candy strips, anything a candy store would have. I closed the door, and walked to a different cabinet. I turned back and looked at it.

"I'll get you next time," I said with a evil grin upon my face. I decided to go to the fridge to get orange juice, but I got popsicles instead. I may have let the candy go, but I will never let popsicles out of my sight, not to mention it was my favorite flavor, (....)!

I sat on the couch and decided to watch some Boku no Hero Academia. I stayed there for a good amount of time, and enjoyed my time. Oh, I forgot to mention; it's also my birthday.

I usually don't make it that big of a deal, because it always ends up going to shit, especially now that I don't have my father to celebrate with me. But this year, I have a slimmer of hope that it would go well...

"y/n-chan? Y/n-chan?" Honey called out.

"Oh, what? Sorry Honey-senpai; I dozed out for a little," I replied.

"Don't worry about it N/n-chan*! So, I heard today is your birthday!"

I sweatdropped. I thought no one was going to remember my birthday, I didn't think I was that important to anyone...

"Ahh, yeah it is. Thank you for remembering that today is my special day, Honey!"

"How could I not? You're one of my closest friends, of course I was going to remember today!"

I began tearing up.


He panicked, "Ahh! N/n-chan why are you crying?!"

"I'm just really happy that someone remembered today," I said with a smile.

He pulled out a beautifully wrapped present box, and handed it to me. I gladly took it and found a cute stuffed alpaca with a pretty flower crown placed on it's head. It was a pure shade of white, with big, black eyes.

"Honey, it's so cute!! I love it, why thank you so much," I screamed as I pulled him into a tight hug

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"Honey, it's so cute!! I love it, why thank you so much," I screamed as I pulled him into a tight hug.

"Don't mention it, n/n-chan! Now, get ready, as we are gonna go somewhere! He dashed out of the room I was staying in and closed the door. For today, I decided to wear a dress that was shaded a mint green, my hair was straightened, as I did it the night before, white converse, and (obviously) fake diamond necklace.

I walked out, and saw everyone there, well except Mori, which saddened me a little. Everyone had their mouth open, I blushed. Eventually they returned from their slight shock, and yelled,


I smiled, "Thank you all so much, but where's Mori..?" My bright smile then turned into a smaller smile, with a hint of sadness.

"Oh, he went out of town... Sorry he couldn't be here for your birthday," said Haru.

But he was here in the morning... Or was that just my imagination?

"Ah.. it's fine. I'll fun with you guys anyways, right?"

"Of course," said Hikaru.

"We'd never leave you alone on this special day of yours," Kaoru chimed in.

"Then, off we go!" spoke Tamaki.

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