Accomplished~ Pt.2

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The Night After...

Tonight is the night, that I try to escape once again. And hopefully, I make it through.

I got up very early, like 3:30 in the morning early. If I wanted the plan to work, I had to be very overcautious. I had a backpack under my bed already filled with things I would need on the way back home. And, I carried a pocket knife, just to be sure.

I opened my thoroughly-oiled window and made my way out. Yes, my window. I wasn't going to use the door, since it's basically creaky as hell.

I walked out the gate, and made sure to put in the security code and disable all the cameras around this place. I also made sure to erase all the footage on it.

Now, I am ready to go...

Go get food, I'm starving. Sure this was supposed to be serious, but a girl needs her food.

I quickly made my way to a the nearest (fav fast food restaurant) and got a little meal to go. I would consider this my hobo day.

Oh! And I forgot to mention, I bought a plane ticket on one of the times I escaped. Thankfully, it will come in handy tonight, but I kinda need to rush. The planes leaves at 5:16...


"Calm down, y/n. Shut the fuck up and get a cab."

I immediately called a cab and asked the driver to take me to the airport. Of course, I made sure who was going to drive me there, and not one of his friends.

I hop in, and asked if they could take me to the airport entryway.

~Time Skip~

"I praise the Lord that it wasn't one of his friends!! Thank you kind sir!!" I accidentally said out loud.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just thinking."

"It's alright ma'ma, but may I ask who is he?"

I looked around and made sure he wasn't near us.

"Oh, I was talking about my ex-boyfriend. He used to abuse me when we were dating, luckily I got away, but, I was brought back here again by him..."


"Oh, my. Can you please give me his name? I would like to help you."

"Excuse me?"

"Please ma'am, I don't like to see innocent people suffer."

I teared up. This complete random stranger wants to help me.

"His name is Damien J. Claghfer, 18 years of age, he lives at 5032 W Tilasco Pinto Street. Thank you so much sir."

"I know him, he's my worker's son... He's the one abusing you?"

I nodded, shocked that he knew this monster.

I paid him $100 in cash, I was so grateful for his gratitude, I needed to do this.

"Thank you, this is my stop. Thank you so much," I said crying.

"Anything for you, but are you sure to let me have this mu--"

"Keep it, as a thank you gift. I must go now. My flight might leave without me."

"Have a safe trip back home," he said waving.

I went inside and waited to be called.


The Taxi Driver's POV

I get a phone call from my manager, I pick it up.

"So, did you find her?"

"Yes, sir."

"Did she get away? Don't tell me she did."

"I'm sorry, forgive me sir. But you know where she is headed to right?"

"Of course I do, this is my darling we are talking about. Anyways, ciao~"

He hangs up the phone.

"I'm so sorry, y/n..."

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now