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Your POV

Back to school we go. This summer has been insane, and I've been close to shooting myself, jokingly, because I didn't want to come back, but ugh. At least this'll be my last semester as a second year. Then I'll finally be a third-year, but Mori will have graduated by then. The thought saddens me, but at least he'll be out of here, and then we can... get married.

My face reddens as I remember that he pretty much proposed to me on my birthday, and I cover my face. I'm too caught up in the thought that I didn't see Mori in the doorway.

"Y/n?" We have to get to school or we'll be late."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Let me get ready," I said as I covered my face with the blanket, not wanting him to see my blush. Once I heard him leave the room, I uncovered myself, and got out of bed. I walked into the closet and got my uniform; today is the blazer and some pants, because fuck dresses.

I leave my hair alone and walk downstairs, booking it out the door and into the limo. Honestly, the luxury life can be so boring, but it can have some good things to it, for instance, buying a shit ton of food, as well as stuffed animals and band and anime merch.

We get to school in 15 minutes, and me and Mori walk to class, hand in hand. I know it's cheesy, but God, I love him. For everything he has done, how he defended me, accepted me of my flaws...

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Turns out that I gripped harder onto his hand without noticing. Guess it was the memories.

"I'm alright, promise," I say as I smile at him.

We continue walking to class, and meet up with Honey in the hallway, and we get to class. As we walk in, there is a huge group of people huddling around something. The bell rings, and everyone sits at their seats. The teacher walks in.

"Good morning class, as you may now know, there is a new student. Will you please stand up Mr. Cahn?

From the corner of my eye, I see a muscular man stand up and walk to the front of the class. And hell, he was fit. Bulging muscles and pecs, then he turned around and I saw his face. I'm shocked.

"Sup! Name's Craig Chan, nice to meet you all," he says with a smile. All the girls in the room are suddenly swoon by him.

I know him.

"C-Craig?! Is that really you?!" I yell as I bolt from my seat.

"Y/n!!" He runs from the front of the class and gives me a big hug.

"It's been a while!"

"I know it has! You've grown so much!!"

"Ahem. Class now, reunion later." The bitchy teacher speaks out. I blush and head back to my seat, as does Craig. A paper ball is thrown to me. I open it up, and it says,

"Let's hang out later?" I look up and see Craig looking at me. I smile and nod.

Craig was my best friend when I was young, and we lost touch when I moved. I missed him so much, but now he's back!

Mori's POV


Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now