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Your POV

I still can't believe that Craig is here! He was like a second brother to me back where I used to live. God, I missed him like hell!

"Hey, what are you doing this weekend, and on Tuesday night?" asked Craig.

"Weekend I'm heading to see my brother. He's grown so much since you last saw him."

"I miss the little dude. Can I go wi-"

"Ahh, it's a family visit,' interrupted Mori.


"Nah, it's fine. Maybe some other time. Catch you on Friday?"

"You know it," I replied.

He gave me a bro hug and a fistbump and went to his locker. As he left, I turned around to face Mori.

"Mori! How could you be so rude to him?!"

"Hm? Well, this is a visit between you and your brother."

"And? Leo even considered him as a brother. And he's my best friend from when I was a kid-"

"And I'm your current boyfriend," he said in an agitated tone. With that, he walked away to the limo.

I grunted, and left the school to go to Branden's house.

~Time Skip~

I got to Branden's house in about 20 minutes, and hell was I tired. I rang on the doorbell; no one answered. I got a hold of the door handle to find it was... open?

The door creaked as I walked into the house. It was quiet, too quiet. I mean, they're boys, they're supposed to be loud all the time.

"Branden? Leo?"

I heard thuds from the upstairs bedroom. Maybe they were playing video games and they didn't hear me?

"Oi! What's going on?"

I had an idea of what was going on.












Or making out, but I don't want that image in my head.

So instead of interrupting their... fight?

I ripped out a piece of paper and wrote a note to Le.

I walked out and called Mori to pick me up, but

"Hey (y/n)!!"


Oops ?

i wrote a part.

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now