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Leo's POV

Ugh! Why did my sister have to do that?! I'm embarrassed.. She doesn't know that I might be bi-curious or gay. I mean, yeah, girls were cute to me, but Branden... He was different; he's sweet, kind, and oh God so good-looking... What the hell Le?! He's your best friend.

"Ready?" asked my sister.

"Yeah, just give me a couple minutes," I replied. She nodded and walked to her room, and I continued packing my stuff into a backpack. I wouldn't be lying if I said I was excited to stay with Branden for a couple of days, or even a week... Ah! Just the thought makes me blush.

When I finished packing, I walked downstairs and saw Dad sitting. He looked at me and his eyes widened, putting a smile on his face.

"Hey, little guy? Why do you have a backpack with you?" he asked. "You aren't leaving me too aren't you?" He got me by my shoulders and shook me softly.

"Yeah, asshole," I said as I pushed him away from me. "What you did to y/n was messed up, hell, it was fucked up! You know how much she hated him, you know what he did to her, yet your old ass still arranges a marriage for them?! You are fucked up!" I yelled, pissed.

'Wow... That's the first time I ever yelled, and at Dad, not to mention I cussed him out. But I do have to say, it felt good to get that off my chest.' I thought to myself.

Dad looked at me with wide eyes, and walked back. I heard y/n walk down the stairs, and stood next to me.

"Hey asshole, you're kids are leaving you. Later fucker," she said and walked off. I followed behind her.

"Come back! Y/n! Leo! I am your father and you will listen to me! Come back!" he yelled.

I turned back and said, "Fuck you asshole."


Sorry for it being short, high school is a shit to me, so I wrote a filler. Now I must continue my homework :^)


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