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Your POV

I awoke again, but I wish I hadn't. I don't want to deal with that asshole.

I got up, my legs still wobbly, and walked down the long ass flight of stairs. I walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. There wasn't anything good in there, so I closed it and rampaged the cabinets and pantries. Eventually, I found my favorite snack (...), and walked back up to my jail cell- I mean, "bedroom."

I locked the door, and continued to eat my snack. It was around 4 p.m., so I decided to sneak out and adventure, hopefully finding some other place to stay at so I can have enough for a plane ticket. Fuck no I wasn't gonna stay here, this fucker brought me against my will. Plus, this was the place my mom was...

I rummaged through the closet and found some clothes that were my style, and they were boy clothes. Luckily, I had a plan. I was going to stuff all my hair in a hat, and dress masculine. I don't really believe that there are two genders, because in reality, there's a whole lot more.

Anyways, I got dressed and walked back down the stairs. I checked to see if he was around, thankfully he wasn't. So, I then booked it, and ran.

Damien's POV

I hear my cabinet doors being opened, so I just thought my love was getting a snack. Luckily, I still remembered what her favorite snack was.

I decided to head back to sleep, dreaming about her.

~Time Skip~

Your POV

It's been about 30 minutes since I escaped. What's good is that I snatched a "bit" of money before I left. And by "bit" I mean like a couple thousand dollars. This fucker is an ass, but he is rich. First thing I did was to go to a payphone. I dialed Haruhi's number, but no answer. I then tried calling Honey; no one answered. I gave up, and walked to a nearby grocery story.

I bought a couple necessities, and walked. I didn't know where I wanted to stay, but any place is better than his. It then started to rain, great. I continued walking, until someone stopped me.

"Hello, are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, just, uhh, walking."

"In the rain? Alone?"

Are they getting suspicious of me? Or are they planning something?

"Here, follow me."

I decide to follow him, since I had no where else to go. After a couple minutes of walking around, we stopped.

"Glad you decided to come back home, babe."


"Thanks Konner. I owe you one."

"You hella know it. Anyways, ciao."

Did this little dickhead just bring me back to my hell hole?

"Welcome back, honey," he said with a smirk.

I ran into the house, up to my room, and immediately locked the door. I know what that smirk meant. He's gonna hurt me again. No.. No.. Please!

"y/n? Why did you lock the door. Open up. I mean no harm."

"Bullshit! Leave me the fuck alone! I don't want to see you!!"

He sighs. "Okay, I leave you be..." His voice trails off, but then I hear a big bang. I saw a bullet go through the door. I cried out loud.

"Next time, open the door, fucking bitch."

I just want to go back home...

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now