Hospitalized~ Pt. 1

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Mori's POV

I'm awaken by the beeping of a monitor and bright, white lights. I look to my left and see a doctor, dressed in white. I turn my head to the right and saw a group of doctors flock to a patient's bed. One of them move, and I saw who it was.

"Y/N!!" I call out.

I sat up in the bed, and saw Tamaki sprint up to him, and stopped me.

"Calm down, Mori. The doctors' are tending to y/n's wounds," said Tamaki as he laid me back onto the bed.

"No, let me see her! Please Tamaki," I cried out. His eye's widened, as did mine. I usually never raise my voice, unless when I'm disciplining Honey with his candy obsession. I knew I love y/n, but now, I realize,

I want to spend the rest of my life with her, to protect her, to hold her, to do anything with her.

"Mori, I know you're worried about y/n, I am too, and everyone else, but we have to let the doctors work and help her." Tamaki walked back to where everyone else was, and Haruhi hugged him close with tears in her eyes. Since y/n was the only other girl that hung out with us, I take it that the two have grown quite close.

I stared up at the ceiling, as my mind replayed memories of me and y/n. I know she's not dead, but I can't stand that she isn't awake so I can see her beautiful (eye color) eyes, as they glimmer in the light. A tear runs down my cheek, and Honey notices right away. He walks to me, and gives me Usa-chan.

"Here, Mori. I know how you're feeling, and I hope Usa-chan can heal you faster. I was gonna give him to y/n, but Tamaki gave her his teddy bear." He smiled, and I smiled back.

She'll be okay, I know it. She's strong enough, and I'll be there to support her. I look back to where she was, and whispered,

"I love you,y/n. Don't give up."

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