Life~ Pt. 2

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Inside your mind

'Where am I?' I open my eyes and felt water around me. I sit up quickly, the water didn't wet me, but I stare down at it, and see my reflection. After a while of staring at the little pond I came out of, and I turned around and saw.. My younger self.


She didn't reply, but she help out her hand towards me. I took it, and she began to run, dragging me with her. She halted after about 18 feet. I turned back, and no longer saw the pond. I turn back around, and see my younger self walk slowly; I quickly walk up to her.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Still no response, and she stops again. She turns around and looks up at me. For some odd reason, I kneel down, and she walks up to me. She kisses my forehead, dissapears, I am teleported to what seems to me, my memories.

I see a ball float to me, and I reach out. I look at it, and see that one of my memories is playing inside. It's the memory of me at 5 years old, with my mom and dad. We were running around, playing hide and seek I suppose. The memory me runs up to her and she pulls me into an embrace, with me giggling. Tears began to swell up in my eyes. I can never see her alive again, only if I replay my memories, but I don't want the memories. I want the real thing. I want my mom to hugs me, smile at me, and tell me I'm doing great. I fall to my knees, and the memory ball floats away. As it did, another one came up to me, but it wasn't floating, it was rolling. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and grasped the ball. It played the memory, of when I cutted myself. More tears streaked down, and fell onto the ball. The ball dissappeared, and I was left alone. I curled up into a ball, and sobbed my heart out. A light appeared, but I didn't bother looking at it, I was too sad at this point.

"Y/n... What's wrong?" A voice called out.

The voice sounded rather familiar, and I picked my head up to tale a peek.


The lady smiled at me, and bent down to my level.

"What's wrong my baby?"

I cried harder, and wrapped my arms around her.

"Mom! I miss you! My life is a living hell! Dad is an asshole, and Branden is trying to get me again...!" I weeped on her shoulder.

"I know, darling. I keep check on you, by looking at your memories, but I saw that you found a handsome and caring man. Mori, was it?"

I nodded my head, and looked at her in the eye. She kissed my forehead.

"You're not alone baby. I'm always here, and so is Leo. Maybe your father isn't doing his best, but heay be trying. It wasn't his fault on what happened that day. It was no one's."

"Mom, I want you to come back..."

"I can't, darling. You know I wish to, but alas I cannot. But, you have to go back. Your friends, Leo, and your Mori are waiting for you." She kissed my cheek, and my eyes widened. I jumped up with tears running down my cheeks. I looked around, and saw Kyoya awake, while the others were asleep.

"Y/n!" He surprisingly yelled out.

Everyone awoke, and ran to my aid. Haruhi and Tamaki began crying, and at the corner of my eye, I saw Mori getting out of the hospital bed. He walked to me, and smiled, his eyes brimming with tears.

I cried, and said with a smile,

"I'm back."

Returning To You (A Sequel to Two Tall People) DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now