Reunion Part 2

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"Salem, what exactly do you have planned for the body? I mean, he's dead, you've got one thing of what you wanted." Watts asked bluntly.

"You'll know what to know when you need to know." Salem replied casually.


"I can't believe it…" Ruby muttered, crying like a baby in her room.

"I'm really sorry Ruby. Sure, he took a bad turn at the end, but he did it for us. Chances are he had you on his mind the whole time he was with that other group." Yang replied seriously.

"First mom… then Pyrrha, Ozpin, and now Y/N… how many more people have to die!?" Ruby shrieked as her eyes started glowing silver.

"Ruby, calm down! I know you're upset, we all are, but we have to get the relic to Atlas otherwise he would have died for nothing." Yang said seriously.

"You're right… you're right… we leave first thing tomorrow morning…" Ruby said as the tears continued to flow down her face.

As night fell on Mistral, Emerald and Mercury are planning the way to get your body.

"I can't believe we're doing this. I mean, the guy's dead, leave him to rest at least." Emerald said seriously.

"Usually I'd tell you to stop being a little bitch, but I can agree with you there. I never thought we'd have to do something like steal a body." Mercury replied with disgust in his voice.

"I just hope this is worth it." She said as the back entrance to the morgue can be heard unlocking and locking again.

Mercury walked out in front of the guard and stood there, leaving him to his own confusion.

"Sir, this is a restricted area, leave now, or I will have to arrest you." The man said seriously, but never got a reply or a reaction.

"Sir, I said-"

The man got cut off from a shot to the head from Emerald, who is using a suppressed pistol taken from all of the guns which Roman stole.

Mercury grabbed the keys and hid the body in a rubbish dump before unlocking the door and entering the morgue. The smell of blood and burnt bodies are rich in the air, causing Emerald to gag.

"You okay, sweetheart? You look pale as a corpse." Mercury teased.

"Shut up, prick. The list says that his body is in drawer C6." She muttered.

He opened the first one, only for a cockroach to scurry out of it. He searched the next one, and it was the wrong person, so he checked the next drawer down, and found your tag.

"C6. This is him. Hand me that body bag." Mercury said seriously.

Without a word, Emerald did it quickly, handing him the bag. He opened it on the floor and placed your body inside before slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Let's get outta here." He replied.

On the way out, Emerald froze in the alleyway.

"Mercury! The cops are here! Stand still and be silent!" She said hastily.

He did as she said, and she used her semblance to visibly cloak him and your body as they investigated the scene, finding nothing.

"Looks like it was a misunderstanding, there's nothing here. Continuing patrol." The police officer radioed in while his partner waited in the car.

"Fuckin' homeless. This is the third time this week." The officer muttered under his breath as he entered the vehicle and drove off.

"There has to be an easier way to carry him. For someone as skinny as him, deadweight is heavy." Mercury muttered.

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