Duel Of The Fates

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A few hours after the attack, night fell over Vale, and Pyrrha got chosen to go up against Penny. You saw Emerald enter the coliseum, then you nudged Blake.

"Pay attention to Emerald during the fight. If she is to blame, she may do it again." You said sternly.

"Got it." Blake replied cautiously as you and her took your seats. You nudged Weiss, telling her the same thing you told Blake, to her acknowledgement.

The fight begun, Penny used her swords to lay out a full assault on Pyrrha, who took up the defence. When the synthetic overswung on an attack, Pyrrha rushed in, throwing her shield and calling it back using polarity. Pyrrha rushed in again, continuing her assault.

Meanwhile, Weiss and Blake are cheering on Pyrrha, and you are keeping a close eye on Emerald. You noticed her glare, focused on Pyrrha.

"Guys! Look at Emerald, she's too focused for a simple viewer!" You said sternly.

The others glanced over at Emerald and saw that she is extremely focused on the match. Then you noticed Pyrrha is starting to panic, she looks confused and has no idea what to do.
Then, using her polarity, she forced the blades back at Penny, who got dismembered by the wires controlling her blades.

"No!!" You yelled, realizing what Emerald has done.

Then you saw Ruby rush in from the entrance to the arena floor. She collapsed to her knees upon laying her eyes on Penny. Up above, you saw a Nevermore starting to break through the barrier.

"Ruby!" You yelled, jumping into the arena.

She started crying because of what happened.

"I couldn't save her... I couldn't stop the fight..." Ruby whimpered, tears streaming down her face.

"It wasn't your fault. You did what you could. Emerald is to blame, that is confirmed." You said nervously.

"Guys! We gotta get out of here! That creature will break through at any moment!" Jaune yelled nervously.

"You help Ruby! I'll snap Pyrrha out of it!" You said sternly.

"Got it!" Jaune replied as you rushed onto the stage.

"Pyrrha! We've got to go!" You said sternly.

"I'm sorry..." She said with tears in her eyes.

"It wasn't your fault! Emerald is to blame but we have to get out of here! That Grimm is going to break through at any given-"

You got cut off as the Nevermore broke through the sky barrier, the wind knocking you, Pyrrha and Jaune to the ground.

Ruby rushed onto the arena floor, grabbing one of Penny's swords. You grabbed two more, ready to butcher the Grimm.

"Leave them alone!!" Ruby shrieked, the Nevermore shrieked back. You rushed in but stopped yourself when it got impaled by several lockers.

"Damn. Is everyone alright!?" You called anxiously.

"We're fine. Grab your weapon. Things are going to get ugly, and fast." Ruby said anxiously.

You collapsed Penny's swords into their laser form and tied them to your sheath before grabbing your weapon and doing an ammo check. Then, you rushed outside with Ruby, only to realize Blake and Yang are missing.

You called Blake, and discovered that she is in the Cafeteria and Yang went after an Alpha Beowolf headed towards the fairgrounds, seeing her in good condition and alive, then you thought about Ruby who split up from you.

"Ruby! What is your position? Are you okay!?" You yelled over the phone.

"I'm fine! I'm headed for the big airship, Roman's up there and I'm going to take him down!" She replied aggressively.

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