The Longest Time Pt. 2

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"I have one thing to ask. Why me of all the criminals in the world?" You asked Trinity.

"You've gotten away with more crimes than any other known criminal in the region. You're also young. You're no more than an asset to us. Once you've done your part, we'll let you walk away with your cut of the money." He replied casually.

"I don't want my cut." You replied spitefully.

"Fine then, you don't want it, I'll split it between the rest of us. We strike tomorrow as soon as they open." He said nonchalantly.

"Perfect." You said through grit teeth.

The next day:

"Arya, you in position?" Trinity asked over a radio.

"Yeah. Just say the word, Hyde." She replied seriously.

"In three, two, one. The cameras and alarms are offline, automated doors are sealed. Go, go, go!" He replied seriously.

She launched the tear gas into the vents, and the people sealed inside quickly fell unconscious. The doors unlocked, then Hyde and Dawn moved in, grabbing the keys to the vault and rushing over there while Arya and Dawn kept a lookout for police or military forces.

"Y/N, are you at the Rendevous point?" Dawn asked sternly.

"I'm almost there. Got stopped by some cops on the way. They have no clue." You said seriously.

"Perfect." He said as he started filling bags with money.

"Trinity! We've got a problem!" Dawn said seriously.

"What?" He asked seriously.

"The cops pulled over and are walking over here!" He replied seriously.

"If they enter, shoot 'em down!" He said as he moved to the last few drawers with money in them.

The cops walked straight past, seemingly oblivious to the events going down in the bank.

"Let's move! To the bikes!" He said seriously.

The three of them rushed to the bikes, hastily speeding away. You are still waiting.

"The alarms and cameras will come back online in five seconds!" Hyde said seriously.

"That won't be a problem." They replied seriously.

Just as they got in sight of the truck, you dropped the hatch to the back, and they entered the container where you sealed them inside before rushing to the driver's seat.
You collectively and casually drove back to the safe house and opened the back of the truck where the others popped out of.

"Great job! We never even got chased this time." He said seriously.

"I told you it would work!" You replied with relief that you never got arrested again.

Everyone celebrated in their own way, while you went to the top floor of the warehouse, staring out in Mistrals direction.

"You're not planning on escaping, are you?" Dawn asked sternly as he approached you from behind.

"Why would I? I'm absolutely loving this life." You said sarcastically.

"I'm flattered that you think it's worth the while…" He started before pinning you to the wall and pulling out a switchblade. "Just so we're clear. I don't trust you, not after you defected to the side of the law. If you just so much as do something I don't like, then say goodbye to your little girlfriend heading for Mistral! The only reason you and your friends are still alive is because T thinks you're a valuable asset and ally to have." He added sternly.

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