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It has been two hours since Ironwood left you in the hospital room, then the nurse entered the room and informed you that the bionics are on the way.

"Thanks for letting me know, would it be okay if I go for a walk for a little while?" You asked casually.

"It's not a problem. I'll quickly disconnect your IV." She replied with a smile.

While she worked on the IV, Tai entered the room and was shaken to the core upon seeing your condition despite knowing the outcome when he rushed you in.

"Hey, how are you doing?" He asked as casually as he could.

"I'm actually feeling good, thanks. Ironwood stopped by and offered me a pair of bionics, so I'll be getting that shortly. Though, I don't know how to feel… two pieces of me are gone and I'm never getting them back…" You replied seriously as the nurse left the room.

"That's great news! Try not to think about it too much." He replied happily.

"How's Yang and the others doing?" You asked with no idea on what to expect.

"She's… going to take a while to get used to things…" He replied nervously.

"She… She lost her arm at the elbow during the Fall. Ironwood ordered her a new arm too, on his account, because the same guy that attacked you was the one that took her arm. She's deeply upset about it. Who wouldn't be, though?" Ruby replied sympathetically.

"I'm sorry…" You said with a downcast face.

"Pyrrha… she never made it, Blake disappeared, and Weiss is back in Atlas with her family." Ruby replied angrily.

"What… Pyrrha…" You replied without any comprehension of your words as you slowly stood up. You tried to reach out and console Ruby, only to remember about your arms. You also, out of habit, tried to scratch an itch on your nose.

You couldn't cure the itch, so Ruby helped you after you awkwardly asked.

"Thanks. It won't be long before I'm no longer a burden and won't have to be babied anymore." You replied seriously.

"You're not a burden though. You may think that, but I am always going to be there for you." She replied seriously.

"Sir, you are ready to be discharged." The nurse said casually.

"But, I have to wait for my arms to arrive… that sounded weird…" You replied with a nervous chuckle.

"We will have them delivered to your house. I'll have this gentleman sign the form for you." The nurse said casually.

"Well, I have nowhere to go. I don't have a house or family." You said anxiously at the thought.

"Well, you could always live with us?" Tai offered politely.

"But, I don't want to be in the way or anything? I really appreciate the offer, but allowing me to be with Ruby is the most you could do for me…" You replied humbly.

"Please, Y/N? I want you to as well. My dad and I have been talking about it for a while and we want you to live with us. We all know you have nowhere left to go." Ruby asked with content.

"Alright. If you really want me to, I will." You replied with a smile.

Ruby hugged you, and you wanted to hug back, but you couldn't. Ruby felt that you wanted to due to the muscles in your chest flexing.

Timeskip fifteen minutes:

You and Ruby made it back to the house, and Ruby excitedly ran into the living room.

Dark Vs Light- RWBY Ruby x (Evil Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now