The Moment Of Truth

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Ozpin leads you to your dorm room and opened the door for you to make a startling discovery. In front of you sits a Schnee, the girl from the Dust shop, and the Blonde girl who knocked you out. Upon them recognizing you, the girl with the cloak immediately picked up her scythe and got defensive, while the blonde girl charged in. The Schnee stood by the redhead. Then you saw a former White Fang member. And she got defensive, weapons ready.

You duck, and dodge the blondes attacks and incapacitate her, throwing her into the beds. Ozpin then intervened.

"Break it up! This boy is not here to harm anyone. Instead, he will be your new roommate and teammate until I say otherwise!" Ozpin shouted to break up the commotion. "If he gives you any problems, then I will sort them out. Not the four of you." He said in a calmer tone.

Oz then left after saying one more thing. "I will give you all one week off school to get to know your new roommate. And I expect you all to get along."

The four girls all looked at you, frustrated and defensive, and started questioning you.

???: "What is your business here? What are your plans now? Spill it!"
The four said defensively.

Y/N: "You think I want to be here as much as you want me here?" I did not have a choice!" You said, getting agitated. "Whatever girls, I'm going to sleep, hopefully, get this over with ASAP." You say feeling defeated.

Ruby: "I'm Ruby, by the way, this is my sister Yang, this is Weiss, and this is Blake." She said, slightly scared.

Weiss: "Hmph."

Blake: "Hi."

Yang: "....."

"I'm (Y/N)" you said as you collapsed, falling unconscious.

(Time skip 4 hours)

"Roman, what are you doing? Roman! AAH!!" You shrieked as you woke up.

Weiss: "What the hell are you doing! I am trying to sleep!" She says clearly agitated.

"Do not pin that on me. I was sleeping too. Nightmare, Ice Queen!" You reply with snark.

"Don't you dare-" Weiss was cut off by Ruby.

"Everyone okay?" She asked innocently.

"I'm fine." you both said, staring into each other souls.

"I'm going for a walk. Meet up later." you say, still alarmed from the recent nightmare.

As the door closes, Ruby wakes up Yang. "I'm going to check up on Y/N. He seems edgy since he arrived. And he went on a walk." She told her older sister as she headed for the door.

"Whatever just be safe. I still don't know how to feel about him." Yang said groggily.

Ruby then found you on Beacons Cliffside. "(Y/N)?" She asked nervously.

"Hi Ruby." you replied anxiously.

"What was going on back there? What happened?" The girl asked shakily.

"Like I said, just a nightmare." You replied bluntly.

You then start singing a song.

"What'cha singing?" Ruby Innocently asked.

"Sleepwalking by Bring Me The Horizon. A song that is close to my heart. It was my dad's favorite song." You say uncomfortably.

"(Y/N), what's wrong? I want to help you." Ruby said with nervousness growing.

"I don't think you will understand." you reply bluntly.

"Try me." Ruby said confidently.

"First, you have to swear you will not tell anyone. Not your sister. Not a soul. Or I will find you." you say threateningly.

"Understood." Ruby said with anxiety.

"Good. Now, let me begin." you say sheepishly.

"The reason I despise huntsmen and huntresses with every fiber of my being. I was only eight years old. It was on my eighth birthday, actually. I wanted to be a huntsman back then. Then on my eighth birthday, a huntsman and huntress broke into my house that morning. And they murdered my parents. Killed them in cold blood. I saw it without them seeing me. And since then I swore to kill any huntsmen or huntress I come across. Because of them, I was on the streets for four years of my life. Now you know."

"As for Roman. He took me in, he was the father figure I barely had in my life. I looked up to him, now all I ever stood for, and everything I ever loved is gone." You stated coldly. Not giving Ruby a chance to talk

Ruby was almost in tears, after hearing what you went through. She tried to talk, but nothing came out. Her voice had cracked from the emotions she felt from hearing your story.

"Ruby, please don't cry. If you cry, I will cry and then we may as well build a dam." you say trying to lighten the mood. But to no avail.

You then started crying too. For the first time, someone listened to you, without cutting you off or yelling at you.

Then Yang came along to see you and Ruby almost flooding the floor with tears.

"What is going on here!" Yang asked furiously.

"Yang! It is not what it looks like. Y/N just had an emotional breakdown after telling me something that he will tell us all in time!" Ruby said frantically, sorrow aside.

"I swear, if Y/N tried something then I will kill him myself!" Yang threatened you before cooling off.

"What!?" You asked, getting angry.

"What?" Yang said, getting scared.

"Do YOU have any idea, on what I have been through, and still have the nerve to threaten to KILL ME!?" You say clearly above your head.

Yang: "And WHAT IS IT that you have apparently been through that has you so pissed off at me!?"

"It's not you, it's your threat to kill ME!" You state furiously. "And if you really want to know! Here we go again!" You state with slight sarcasm.

After explaining your past, Yang almost broke down too. Barely keeping her composure. The two of you apologized and Yang went to bed. You stayed up the rest of the night staring out into the distance. Ruby inevitably fell asleep on the cliffside while watching over you, making sure you don't do anything stupid.

That is all for this chapter guys! thanks for the support. Without you, all this would not have been possible. Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. Data is a royal pain at times. Otherwise, don't forget to check out my other two stories on Fanfiction.Net. Many thanks again for reading. I will upload the next chapter soon! Peace out.

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