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So I've put some serious thought into this story, and since I hit a writers block, I figured the best thing to do is alter a thing or two in this chapter in order to make for story progression. So welcome to Reunion part 1, 2.0!

It has been five days since you sent the message, and you are going over the plan again.

"We get the nuke on one train, and take the bombs on a separate train. No doubt if we were to get caught with a nuke and a ton of C4, we will get the shortest end of the stick. If we smuggle the nukes and the bombs all on one train, the chances of detection are going to be higher." You said seriously.

"How do you know this for a fact?" Trinity asked you again, as he hasn't heard anything of the mission in a couple of days due to being absent.

"I told you before. Security has a higher chance of discovering the nuke and the bombs if they're on the same train. They won't be able to check all the carts in time before the next train arrives. We load the nuke on the first train, then the bombs in the second train, then we get on the train and guard the nuke with our lives." You said seriously.

"What about the bombs?" Dawn asked seriously.

"Don't worry about that. I got some elite mercs to guard the bombs. Nothing will get past them." You replied sternly.

Despite your guilty conscience on helping to supply terrorists, you know that if the mercenaries guard the bombs, you can easily disable the nuclear weapon. And you'd rather let a ton of C4 slip in place of a nuclear bomb.

"Are you sure you can trust them?" Trinity asked with low hopes.

"They owe me a few favours. So I told them that if they guard the bombs, then their debt is clear." You replied nonchalantly.

"So the bombs are guaranteed to be safe?" Hyde added in.

"I'll bet my life on it." You replied seriously.

"As long as you can trust the guys." He replied sternly.

"They're trustworthy. They've helped me assassinate, smuggle, and rob more shops than you'd know." You said seriously.

"Then shouldn't we leave them in charge of the nuke?" Trinity asked as he walked in.

This caused your stomach to drop.

"I trust us with the nuke, not them. They may be able to handle explosives, but even they have their secrets, and would do anything for money. They don't even know that we have the warhead. If they did, they might just try to steal it to sell to someone else. They can't know about the nuke, no matter what." You said sternly.

"If you don't trust them that much, then why hire them?" Trinity asked with suspicion.

"We are talking about a nuclear warhead capable of destroying an entire city the size of Vale, Mistral, and Atlas combined! That amount of power is worth a thousand times more than a ton of C4 will ever be worth! You don't know these guys as I do." You replied seriously.

"Surely you don't trust them. Why hire them? Choose your words wisely." Trinity asked again, this time staring into your soul.

"Because they would do anything for money. If I hire them, and they make a plan to run off with the warhead, then that would be on me. I can't allow that. They have smuggled tons upon tons of C4 before, and they can easily access that kind of explosive in any place, but a warhead is far too valuable." You replied sternly.

After a few moments of staring into your soul, he relaxed and returned to a calmer posture.

"You have a point. I like the way you think. We leave in two days." He replied nonchalantly.

Dark Vs Light- RWBY Ruby x (Evil Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now