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"We going down! We going down!"

"Y\N! Y\N!" You heard your name being called, along with gunfire. But it sounded distant, like an echo, accompanied by shellshock. All you could do was lie there, motionless holding your head in pain.

"Y\N!" Ruby called, making her way to you in a daze. Eventually, you heard a whistling sound and then your hearing came back.

"You have to get up. We have to move. They found us!" Ruby said, completely scared and her body screaming with pain.

You got up and grabbed your weapon, and started to open fire. Ozpin had already called for help via the radio and on his scroll. Then things got worse as Grimm arrived from the negativity involved in the fight.

You regrouped with Weiss, Blake, Yang and the rest of team CVFY and CRDL. Until you saw something that made your blood come to a boil.

Ruby was shooting at the Grimm, then she got shot in the shoulder, she was alive but unconscious. You then let out a shriek bad enough to kill a Grimm. As you stomped your foot down you kicked up a ton of earth. Then you conjured water, fire, and wind.

You were confused but kept up the barrage of attacks. Then as you hit a woman with a spout of water, a man shot at you, only to have you disappear into a cloud of smoke, and reappear unharmed. You shot the woman down and a woman charged at you with a knife from behind, and you did the same thing. Disappear, this time you appeared behind her and you cut her arms and head off.

The others looked at you in awe as you dodged, parried, and killed off at least twenty of those people by yourself.
Then a Grimm tried to tackle you, but instead, you jumped inside it and caused it to explode from the inside.

Sun was busy beating people with his weapon, while Neptune and the rest were doing their own thing.

Just then as Weiss was about to go down too, Atlas military arrived and took care of the last few of the mysterious people. You aided by manning the only working turret on the crashed airship and started mowing people down.

(Timeskip to Beacon)

"We need a doctor!" You said, carrying an unconscious Ruby bridal style, running through the infirmary until you found someone.

"She's gonna be okay." The doctor said confidently. "Luckily the bullets missed the bones and all the organs and arteries, etc. She should come to soon. For now, we should get the bullets out of her. Hhm?"

The doctor removed the first bullet with ease. The second bullet, however, was more of a challenge. As he gripped it Ruby woke up, and you heard her say things you wouldn't imagine a girl her age say.

Ruby: "Ha? What? Aah, fuck son of a bitch what's happening!?" She cried in pain and confusion.

Doctor Black: "There, all better. I will be back to patch you up and you can be on your way."

Buzz buzz

You looked at your scroll to see what that was about.

"Dear students, I would like to inform you that the dance has been postponed to tomorrow night due to certain events that occurred earlier today.

Regards, Ozpin.

"Oh, okay then." You casually said as Ruby pulled you into a hug.

Just then the doctor came back with a few gauze patches and bandages.

(Timeskip to dorm)

"I'm so glad you're okay! You know, Y\N has been there by your side and hasn't eaten or slept since you got kidnapped. He cares, deeply." Yang said hugging her sister, whispering the last part in her ear, making the young reaper blush like crazy.

"Oww! Bullet wounds... Hey!" Ruby said annoyed but blissful to be back.

"Say Y\N. What the hell happened back there. Last I saw, Ruby went down and then you went completely apeshit and unleashed some kind of powers nobody has seen before. It must be your semblance. But knowing you, it could be anything." Yang said excited but anxious.

"I don't know myself. But it felt good, it did exhaust me a lot though. I think it was my semblance. Whatever it is, it is extremely powerful." You replied, looking at your hands in the process.

Ruby: "What? Do you mean 'whatever it is', What did I miss?" Ruby asked extremely confused.

"It's a long story." You and Yang said in synch.

"But for now, let's get some rest. I will train and see if this is truly my semblance tomorrow. I'm out girls. See ya tomorrow." You say exhausted.

You went to sleep on the floor. But before you could...

"Y\N... What did I say about sleeping on the floor? It has been months, and we are… together now, so you don't have to." Ruby said lovingly.

"Okay fine then, you win." You say playfully as you climb into Rubys bed.

"One more thing." Ruby whispered to you so that barely you could hear.

"Yeah?" You whisper softly.

"Promise me you will never leave, I love you." Ruby said, shy and worried about what you would say back.

"I'm staying right here. With you. I love you too, Ruby Rose. Just promise you will never leave. I promise if you promise." You whisper back playfully.

"Thank you, Y\N. I promise too." She whispered, kissing you and giggling slightly before holding you and never letting go.

You then lay awake all night, not wanting to sleep in case the people, now known as the Castors, try to break in and kidnap someone, specifically Ruby again.

You inevitably fell asleep and held onto Ruby for dear life.

That is all for this chapter guys. It looks like the character, namely you (lol) is taking a turn for the better and turning back to the right path. I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Dark Vs Light.
I want to say a huge thank you for almost 1K reads, and for all the votes (honestly not sure how many votes. But anyway). Please don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do to improve the story. You can find me on the following Instagram accounts:



Also, don't forget to check out my sisters' profile on Wattpad:


Many thanks.


Dark Vs Light- RWBY Ruby x (Evil Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now