Meetings In Moonlight

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As you wake up the next day, nervous as all else. You look at the time and see it is 07:30. As you're trying to get your head around the fact it feels like 12:00, Ruby comes in, asking if you're ready.

"Hey, love. Are you ready to head off to Patch? My dad said we can come anytime we want today!" She said optimistically, worry is evident on your face, as you never did this before. Sure, running from the police at one point made you fearless, however meeting someone who you know will strip you of all you love the second you make a wrong move, terrified you beyond all belief.

"Y-yeah, I am ready." You said, your bags were packed the previous day so you don't have to rush today.

As you picked up your bags, you thought to yourself. "Shit... This is where my love life and free life ends! He will probably take my head and mount it on a stake like all the other boys who dated Yang! And she can take care of herself! Maybe that's where all those missing boys disappeared to!" As you carried on, Ruby wrapped her arms around you, which snapped you out of your trance.

"It will be fine, my dad will love you!" The young girl repeated.

"I know. There's just that thought in the back of my mind, and that fear of losing you." You said with anxiety.

"Hey, nobody's losing anyone. As long as you're truthful and honest, and stand your ground, then you will do good." She said back, which didn't really help.

"Okay. Can you give me a second? I just have this great idea for a song. I just recently decided to try writing one." You said, anxiety getting worse than before.

"Why not do that at my dad's house? Not many people have a talent for music nowadays?" Ruby asked with confidence. "Say? You seem extremely anxious. You sure you still want to do this?" She asked again, this time more seriously.

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's just with my past, it has me worried. I just don't want to lose you too." You said again. "Ready to go? I have the lyrics in my head, I have my equipment that Ozpin lent me in a bag, I just need that bag and we good to go." You said, feeling more confident than before.

"Alright. Meet me by the airship in ten minutes, I just need to clean up." The girl said happily.

As she got in the shower, you got the stuff and went to the airship. While you waited, you quickly wrote down the lyrics to make sure you don't forget them.
As you put the book away, Ruby suddenly appeared behind you, and it scared the hell out of you, to say the least.
You and Ruby finally managed to get on after another ten-minute wait, which felt like an eternity with the tension building in you.

"Y/N, thank you for doing this. I know you anxious, but do not worry my dad will love you, especially if the song is not bad because he is big on music." Ruby said, half-joking to lighten the tension.

"Alright. Anything for you." You said to the girl, causing her to blush and ramble on, mumbling incoherent nonsense.

"Mind if I got a sample of the song? It would be nice to see what I am up for. You did say you would do anything for me." Ruby said, using the words you just said to her advantage.

"Okay. Here we go."

I, I just died in your arms, tonight. It must've been something you said, I shouldn't have walked away! I shouldn't have walked away.

"That is a great song so far! I love it!" Ruby said, and in her words, you could tell she was serious, and she was not just saying that because she was your girlfriend.

"Thanks. That's just a sample from the chorus." You said, sounding impressed. Unknown to you, Ruby was just trying to take your mind off the actual stress of things, and it was working. You already felt more relieved knowing she liked it already.
Ruby immediately got on her scroll to let her dad know you and her were almost there. And about the song.

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