Life in the Tower

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(Start playing the video when it says to)

"Where are you~?" Kirishima calls out. 

He is playing hide and seek with his chameleon, Izuku. He normally has dark green skin and almost always spends his time with Kirishima. Izuku is the closest thing to a friend that Kirishima has ever had. Staying locked up in a tower all your life didn't help in that department. With Izuku's smarts and Kirishima's energy, they never run out of activities to do during the long day.

Izuku was hiding behind a flower pot, as he always did, and made sure to stay camouflaged. Kirishima already knows where Izuku was hiding but decides to play along.

"I wonder where he is!" Kirishima exclaims, making sure Izuku hears.

Izuku gulps as Kirishima passes the only window on the small tower (and right where he's hiding), then slowly relaxes when Kirishima walks along back into the depths of the tower. Or so he thought.

"Found you!"

Izuku jumps up high with fright, then relaxes once he sees Kirishima's grinning face. Kirishima won. Again.

"How about another round?" Kirishima asks.

Izuku looks at him with a bored expression in response.

"Okay, okay, fine. Then what do you wanna do?"

Izuku perks up and goes to the edge of the windowsill, using his tail to point to the outside. When he looks back at Kirishima, however, he looks on with longing and sadness.

"Izuku, you know we can't leave," Kirishima says, taking Izuku in his palms. "Besides, I like it here! It's not so bad!"

(Start playing the video)

"Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup

Start on the chores and sweep till the floor's all clean

Polish and wax, do laundry and mop and shine up

Sweep again and by then it's, like, 7:15

And so I'll read a book or maybe two or three

I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery

I'll play guitar and knit and cook and basically

Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch, it's puzzles and darts and baking

Papier-mache, a bit of balle and chess

Pottery and ventriloquy, candle-making

Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch

Take a climb, sew a dress

And I'll reread the books if I have time to spare

I'll paint the walls some more

I'm sure there's room somewhere

And then I'll brush and brush and brush and brush my hair

Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering

When will my life begin?

Tomorrow night

The lights will appear

Just like they do 

On my birthday each year

What is it like

Out there where they glow

Now that I'm older

Father might just let me go"

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