The Grand Escape

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"Jesus fucking-! How hard is it to draw fucking hair!?" Bakugo exclaims, pointing at a wanted poster with his face on it (however, his hair is laid flat on his head instead of its usual spikiness).

"Who cares? We just gotta get the hell outta here!" Denki shouts running alongside Sero and Bakugo.

"I fucking care! They make me look like a fucking nerd!" 

The three slow down when they hear a horse whinny a few yards away from them. They look back and see the royal horse, Todoroki, galloping straight towards them with several guards. The three look back forward and begin to run even faster, going whichever way to lose the guards behind them.

"Fuck!" comes Sero's voice when they are met with a tall cliff.

"What do we do now?!" Denki asks.

"Hey, Bakugo, we'll give you a boost and you just take off, okay?" Sero offers.

"Hah?! Fuck no, I'm not leaving you dumbasses behind!" Bakugo exclaims with worry etched on his face.

"C'mon, man, have a little more faith in us! We can slow them down for you and meet up in the woods later. We won't get caught, promise!" Denki shouts, pulling out two thumbs up.

"Ugh, fine! But don't take too fucking long or else I'm long gone!" 

"Yeah, yeah," Sero mutters.

"I fucking mean it!" Bakugo shouts back as he's hoisted up to the edge of the cliff.

"See you on the other side, Blasty!" Denki yells up at the angry blonde.

"Yeah, you too Dunce Face," Bakugo murmurs before running off with the prince's crown.

Bakugo runs as fast as he can, barely missing trees in his path. Soon, he can hear the crowd of royal guards behind him. So in response, Bakugo performs many moves capable of deterring the royal guards behind him. All but one horse remain: Todoroki. 

No matter how many moves Bakugo pulls, Todoroki is never too far behind him. So Bakugo tries something that will most likely get him killed. He slows down his pace and jumps onto Todoroki's back. There is a moment of confusion when all of a sudden, Todoroki stops in his tracks, causing Bakugo to lurch forward.

"Oh god damn it, Icyhot, just let me have this!" Bakugo screams in fury.

The two pull on each side of the satchel with all their force, causing one strap to rip apart and send it flying. The two watch it descend and latch onto a small branch of a hanging tree. The two look at each other before making a dash to get the satchel before the other. With much shoving and scratching, Bakugo ends up being the one to catch the satchel.

"Hah! Take that half-an-half! You suck ass at this!" Bakugo shouts.


The two look down at their feeble foundation. It is moments from breaking. The two scramble to get back to land but are too late and fall down the cliff in opposite directions. When Todoroki gets up from the dirt, he once again commences to search for Bakugo and goes off towards the woods.

"God damn it!" Bakugo hisses as he gingerly gets up.

He hears some rustling and hooves a small distance away from him and panics. Double checking to make sure he still has the crown, he stumbles over to some vines and makes his way through them to hide from Todoroki. He continues down the path and gasps when he sees what's in front of him.

"Damn..." he mumbles to himself, running up to a gleaming tower.

Once he reaches the base, he uses two of his daggers to latch onto the rubble and slowly brings himself up to the window, being careful not to miss a step and fall an unfortunate height. When he gets to the small window, he pulls himself up and finally allows himself to relax. He's now safe.

"Fucking finally. Alone," Bakugo sighs.

Then, something metal hits him in the back of the head and his vision goes black.

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