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Bakugo used his knives again to scale down the tower with some struggle, occasionally spewing a few curse words under his breath.

"Hey Shitty-hair, are you fucking coming or what?" Bakugo shouted up.

Kirishima was standing at the edge of the window holding onto his hair with Izuku on his shoulder. He fidgeted with the strands and let out a shaky breath. 

"This isn't manly. Come on, you can do this," Kirishima mumbled to himself.

Then, before he could change his mind, he threw his red hair over the window and slid down from it. As he was going down, he felt the wind swish all around him and he let out a cheer. Then, just when he was about to hit the ground, he halted his movement and hung in the air for a few seconds. He looked at the grass with awe as he slowly put his foot down on the grass.

"Wow..." Kirishima whispered.

He laughed to himself as he put his other foot down and took a deep breath in, relishing in his first moment of freedom. He walked over to the little stream next to the tower and gently placed his hand in the water, flinching at first from the sudden cold, then slowly putting it back in. He let the ripples glide around his fingers and then slowly put his feet inside as well. Once it got too cold for him, he dried up his hands and feet as best he could and looked towards the exit to the outside world.

"Here I go!" Kirishima exclaimed.

He then made a running start towards the exit jumping around at every opportunity.

"Hey, wait the fuck up!" Bakugo shouted to no avail.

Kirishima kept on running until he got through the exit and stood in front of the forest. Kirishima took several deep breaths and finally looked around carefully at his surroundings. He could see trees as far as the eye could see and he noted that each tree had something different about the other, and he thought that was beautiful. 

"I can't believe I did this!" he exclaimed, jumping into the air.

Then he landed and took into perspective what he had done and how mad his father would be if he found out.

"I can't believe I did this," he mumbled with shock in his eyes. "Father would be furious."

"Oh well, that's a shame," Bakugo spit out behind him. "I guess I'm gonna have to take you back so you can keep on having that amazing relationship with your father. You can just hand me back my satchel and you'll never have to see me again, deal?"

"No! I'm seeing those lanterns!"

"Oh, come on! I just want my fucking satchel back!"

"You'll get it when you show me the lanterns!"


Then, before Kirishima could talk back to his attitude, a rustling in the bushes startled him and he quickly leaped behind Bakugo.

"OH NO! It's probably one of those thugs father warned me about! You can fight them, right? We aren't gonna die, right?" Kirishima shrieked.

The rustling continued for a few more seconds before a small rabbit hopped out. Bakugo looked at it with disinterest and then looked behind him to Kirishima. He smiled sheepishly.

"Heh, sorry, I don't go out much. Actually, this is my first time out. It's kinda scary," Kirishima mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

Bakugo cast a quick glance at Kirishima before rolling his eyes and looking away.

"That explains a shit ton. Now come on, I'm fucking hungry," Bakugo said, already walking away.

"Where are we going?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugo thought about it for a little while, then got an idea. He smirked and didn't answer Kirishima, leaving the boy to wonder where in the world Bakugo was taking him.


Todoroki was still stuck in the forest trying his very best to figure out where Bakugo went. He heard a rustling sound and stood at alert when suddenly, a figure appeared. He had pitch-black hair and blue eyes, looking at Todoroki curiously.

"A palace horse? What is it doing he-" 

The man stopped in the middle of his phrase and burst out running behind him. Todoroki was confused but continued sniffing.

The man we know as Dabi ran all the way back to his tower in desperation, hoping desperately that what he thinks happened wasn't the case. Once he got to the bottom of the tower, he stopped and caught his breath.

"Kirishima! Let down your hair!" he shouted.

Only silence greeted him.

"Kirishima?!" he shouted once again.

Nothing. Dabi's eyes widened and he rushed behind the tower where an emergency exit was located. He quickly tore through the rocks and ascended up the tower. When he reached the top of the stairs, he opened a latch and was able to enter the main room of the tower.

"Kirishima!!" Dabi yelled.

He searched every room, inside and out, but to no avail. Kirishima was nowhere to be found. Dabi was just about to give when something glinting in the sunlight caught his attention. He carefully walked closer to it and saw the satchel and crown inside. He gasped and continued rifling through the bag until he saw a WANTED paper. He looked closely at the face and name: Bakugo Katsuki.

He glared his eyes and immediately stood up and went over to one of his drawers. He searched through it for a while before pulling out a sharp dagger. He played around with it in his fingers, then once satisfied, set off outside.

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