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"Augh, what... the hell?" Bakugo mumbles, slowly opening up his eyes.

He awakes to the view of the other side of the lake, where the castle is at and where almost every single guard is positioned.


Bakugo tries to leave his place but feels a stinging pain on his wrists and legs. 

"We can't, we already tried Bakugo," Sero muttered, his eyes lowered to the ground.

"We tried everything! I even tried to bite it off! Just so you guys know, ropes are not tasty at all," Denki added.

Bakugo looked around him, trying to comprehend what was happening. Sero was tied up on his left and Denki to his right, both obviously worn out from straining. Looking around the boat, he saw a satchel with something gleaming inside. 

Oh, right the Prince's crown... wait a minute, Bakugo thought.

"Shitty hair!" Bakugo yells out.

The other two are silent, not sure what to say.

"Where the fuck is he?" 

"He's... not here," Sero replied.


"He's probably already with that guy who tied us up here. I have no idea where they could be headed," Denki says, only causing Bakugo to become more stressed.

"We have to go back," Bakugo stated.


"No! We have to go back!" Bakugo shouts.

He begins pulling at his restraints with all his might, tearing his skin apart. He cries out in pain but continues despite the constant protests of his two companions.

"Bakugo, stop it, please!" Sero called out.

"I have to!"

"You three! You are all under arrest!" came a voice from above.

All motion on the boat ceased as they slowly looked up to the squad of palace troops surrounding them. In all the confusion, they had landed on shore and caught the attention of the nearby guards. 

"Men, tie them all up and bring them to the cells! Don't take your eyes off of them!" the commanding voice of Chief Endeavor exclaimed.


One of the guards elbowed Bakugo in the stomach to keep him quiet and still, and placed handcuffs on him. Soon, Sero and Denki had identical handcuffs binding their arms as well. They went along without struggle, but Bakugo was a different story.


His attempts were futile and he and his friends were placed in three separate cells, awaiting the ruling of the court to decide their punishment.

Though all hope seems lost, a friend on the inside saw all that had happened and went quickly to get help.

OKKKK HERE'S THE NEXT PART im gonna try to do two chapters in one day today bc i just wont have the time later cuz of school so stay tuned for that!

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