One Last Time

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After only a few minutes, Bakugo sees the once magical-looking tower before him. Now it fills him with dread. He quickly gets off of Todoroki and goes to the base of the tower.

"Kirishima! Kirishima, let down your hair!" he shouts, desperately hoping for an answer.

After a while, Bakugo decides to climb up the walls like he did last time when all of a sudden, red hair came barreling down over him. He let out a sigh of relief and made his way to the top of the tower.

"Kirishima! Where are you? Are you hurt?" Bakugo asked as he entered the tower.

He looked around the empty room and saw, right in the middle of the room, Kirishima chained up with a gag on his mouth. He was screaming through his gag, tears threatening to spill from his eyes, but Bakugo couldn't react in time. From behind him, Dabi stabbed him in his side causing Bakugo to fall down in pain. Kirishima's screams increased, sobbing out of guilt. 

"I'll let him bleed out. And now, my son, we will go somewhere will no one will ever find you again!" Dabi exclaimed, grabbing onto the chains imprisoning Kirishima.

Dabi began pulling Kirishima back to a secret hatch door leading outside. Kirishima resisted with all his might, the metal cutting into his skin. Izuku tried to protect Kirishima by distracting Dabi but was kicked away.

"Enough, Kirishima! Stop fighting me!" Dabi yelled.

After much struggle, Kirishima was able to loosen the grip of his gag and get it below his mouth.

"No! I will never stop fighting you! I will live every moment of my life trying to get away from you!" Kirishima shouted, "But... if you let me heal him, I won't fight you. I won't ever try to escape and everything will be just like it used to be."

"Kirishima... no..." Bakugo strained, barely audible.

"I promise," Kirishima swore.

Dabi narrowed his eyes then after some thought, released Kirishima's chains and placed them on Bakugo.

Kirishima rushed over to him.

"Oh my god, Bakugo, I'm so sorry, it's gonna be alright now. Just hang on," Kirishima whispered, carefully taking strands of his hair and trying to wrap them around Bakugo's stab wound.

"No, Kirishima. Stop it," Bakugo sputtered out, "I can't let you... do this for me."

"I can't let you die, please let me heal you," Kirishima pleaded, a steady stream of tears sliding down his face.

Bakugo gave what looked to be as close of a smile as he could get and reached for Kirishima's head. 

"I'm sorry, Kirishima."

With one swift movement, Bakugo took ahold of Kirishima's hair and sliced it off with a shard of glass from the broken mirror, turning all of Kirishima's hair black.

"No! What have you done!" Dabi screamed, trying to preserve the hair that had been keeping him alive all these years.

His hair turned white and wrinkles and blemishes appeared all over his skin. Taking a look at himself in the shattered mirror, Dabi wailed in agony and disgust, tumbling all over the room in a daze. Izuku took advantage of the situation and used Kirishima's cut hair to create a tripline in front of the only window. Dabi lost balance, falling forward screaming until a loud crash was heard from above.

Kirishima sat speechless after witnessing this, but was quickly reminded of the situation and rushed over to Bakugo's side. Bakugo kept drifting in and out of consciousness.

"No, no, no, no, Bakugo stay with me. Please, I'm right here!" Kirishima cried out, bringing his limp hand to his head, "Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine."

"Kirishima!" Bakugo managed to shout. 

Crying, Kirishima responded, "What?"

"...You were my new dream."

Kirishima chuckles sadly, "And you are mine."

Bakugo no longer speaks after that and his breathing starts to fade away.

Kirishima continues his song, "Heal what has been hurt. Change the Fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine."

A single tear fell onto Bakugo's face as Kirishima mourned, clutching onto Bakugo's limp body. The tear seeps into his skin and, with the last of Kirishima's incredible powers, it heals a person one last time.

"Kirishima...? Stop crying over someone who's not fucking dead."

Kirishima jumped up in alarm and looked down at a healthy, cocky Bakugo.


Kirishima hugged him tightly, crying out in relief.

"Let go of me, I can't breathe. You're gonna end up killing me yourself," Bakugo said.

"Don't scare me like that again, you asshole!" Kirishima shouted, letting go of his tight grip to shove him.

Then Kirishima takes ahold of Bakugo's shirt and pulls him in, catching him off guard. Soon, Bakugo kisses him back. When they pull away, Kirishima smiles wide and takes off Bakugo's restraints.

Before Bakugo had the time to push himself up, Kirishima picked him up and carried him over to the window.

"Hey-! Shitty Hair, put me down!"

"Well you were the one who cut my hair, so look who's shitty now."

Bakugo grumbled something along the lines of "annoying, cute idiot" as the two made their way down the tower.

i finally finished this part, jeez it took forever sry guys, there's gonna be one more part left and then its gonna be over (ngl feeling very sentimental rn) thank you guys so much for reading this lame excuse of writing and I hope you guys have a great day!

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