Life of a Thief

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Three individuals are on top of the King and Queen's castle, scheming of the right way to steal the lost prince's royal crown. There's Hanta Sero and Denki Kaminari, and their abrasive and infamous leader Katsuki Bakugo.

"YOU IDIOTS, HURRY THE HELL UP!" Bakugo shouts out.

"Sssshhh! Bakugo, don't scream or we'll get caught!" Sero whispers, using a finger to shush him.

"Tch, whatever dipshit."

"Okay, let's go over the plan one more time so we don't mess up like we did with our last gig," Sero says, giving a pointed look at Denki.

"That was NOT my fault! I didn't know that my trashbag disguise wasn't realistic enough!" Denki cries out.

"We literally TOLD you, dumbass," Bakugo responds with a sneer.

"Well, whatever, let's just get back to the point. Denki and I will tie a rope around Bakugo's waist and then slowly lower him down. Then, Bakugo makes sure not to make any noise and carefully extracts the crown from its case. Once Bakugo gives us the signal, we pull him back up and run for our lives. Sound good?" Sero asks.

"No complaints here!" Denki responds.

Bakugo just rolls his eyes and shrugs. 

"Alright then. Let's get into position! Don't mess this up." 

Sero and Denki tie the rope they prepared around Bakugo, open the window above the throne room, and slowly descend Bakugo to the prince's crown with some quiet bickering. Bakugo takes out a small pin in his pocket and slowly turns it around in the lock holding the crown. After hearing a small click, he carefully takes the crown and places it inside his satchel. He's just about to give the signal when one of the royal guards in front of him sneezes and he just can't help himself.

"Bless you motherfucker," he says and gives Sero and Denki the signal to lift him up.

All the guards turn to look at them as they escape from the throne room up onto the roof.

"Bro, why did you do that! You just made things so much harder than it has to be!" Sero shouts out while running.

"I just felt like it, I do what I want when I want!" Bakugo shouts back in between breaths.

The three then get to the edge of the roof, where below them water is crashing. They hear a few shouts and footsteps from behind them and turn around. There, about 10 guards surround them along the roof. Sero, in a panic, does the first thing that comes to his mind. 

"Hold your breath!" Sero shouts as he pushes all of them to the water along with him.

Denki lets out a very high-pitched scream as the three friends go hurtling towards the sea below. When they reach the water, the three men rush out of the water and run for the forest as fast as they can.

"Hah! That shit was easy as fuck! If I knew it'd be that easy to steal this piece of junk, I would've taken it a long time ago! I'm gonna be fucking rich!" Bakugo exclaims.

"We're gonna be rich," Sero corrects him.

"Tch, sure you bastards can have some of the money I guess."

At that, the three rush through the trees with angry royal guards on their tails.

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