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Dabi was waiting behind a tree looking at one of the several exits the Snuggly Duckling had, expecting Bakugo and Kirishima. Instead, out came two soaked men. They cough harshly for several seconds before catching their breaths.

"Jeez, where could Bakugo be now? It took so long to find him first!" Kaminari wailed.

Dabi's attention was grabbed at the mention of Bakugo's name.

"I'm pretty sure he went north of here. At least that's what I estimated when I last saw him. Let's head there and see what we find," Sero said leading them both away.

"Good eye, man! That's why I put you in-"

Little did the two know, Dabi had snuck behind them and put knives at their throats.

"-charge," Denki finished in a high-pitched voice.

"You both will do exactly as I say or I kill both of you and your friend Bakugo. Is that clear?" Dabi asked threateningly.

The two nodded with fright so Dabi continued.

"I am Dabi. I need the two of you to find Bakugo and take him far away from here. You must not lay a hand on the man he is with or else I will kill you. Fail to complete this task and I will kill you. Understood?"

Sero and Denki looked at each other with hesitance, but they both knew that they would be killed if their answer was anything other than yes. Dabi was infamous among thieves and criminals for ruthlessly killing any who crossed his path. The two were no match for Dabi. They silently shook their heads in agreement and Dabi smirked behind them.

"Good, good," he mumbled. "Now go. Don't keep me waiting."

He pushed them ahead with great force and watched as the two walked away slowly in fear. Once Dabi was satisfied, he went on ahead to do his own thing.


"Tell me again why you're wrapping your shitty hair around my injured hand?" Bakugo asked sarcastically.

"I already told you, it's gonna help! Just- just don't freak out," Kirishima replied.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and let out a small "tch". Kirishima took that as a cue to go ahead and began singing.

"Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine"

While Kirishima was singing, his hair began to glow just as it did inside the cave and it ever so slowly began spreading down to the end of his hair. Bakugo followed the glowing path in astonishment.

"Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fates' design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine"

Once Kirishima finished singing, the glow in his hair slowly faded away. Bakugo still sat in confusion as Kirishima began taking off his hair from Bakugo's hand, revealing perfectly healthy skin. Bakugo looked at his hand for a few seconds in complete shock. He was about to shout out before two hands went over his mouth.

"Please don't freak out!" Kirishima cried out.

"I'm not fucking freaking out! I'm trying to fucking process how the fuck you did that!" Bakugo exclaimed. "How long has your hair been able to do that shit?"

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