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"THE FUCK DO YOU TWO WANT!?" Bakugo shouted, red sprinkling his cheeks.

"We, uh... we need you to come here!" Denki replied from the shore.

Bakugo cursed under his breath and began to push the oars, bringing the two closer and closer to Denki and Sero. Once the two reach the shore, Bakugo takes a step out and crosses his hands.

"What the fuck is it?"

"Oh, uhh... we gotta show you something," Sero replied.

"Well, where is it?" Bakugo snarled.



Denki and Sero looked at each other with fright.



"Hah? Is this some kinda funny joke to you two? Cuz I'm not fucking laughing! Just take me to the place, jeez."

"Okay, okay! You gotta bring the satchel too!" Denki shouted, beginning to head out.

Bakugo turned to face Kirishima, grabbing the satchel and whispered, "Don't go anywhere."

Kirishima chuckled and replied, "There isn't really anywhere for me to go."

Bakugo scoffed and began following Denki and Sero. Kirishima watched his silhouette gradually fade from his line of sight and sighed, beginning to play with his braided hair. He admired the many flowers the little girls put on them, promising to himself that he would never take it off.


"So? What the fuck is it that you wanna show me?" Bakugo shouted, losing patience.

"Um, Bakugo we were... put up to this," Sero mumbled.

"There was this scary-ass witch thing that stopped us and said that she would kill us if we didn't get you away from that red-haired guy!" Denki wailed.

"What?! Shit, I gotta get back!"

"Dude, no! We'll be killed! I'm sure that he'll be fine, he looks pretty tough."

"Well, is this him?" a foreign voice called out.

The three turned around with fright, looking for the source of the voice. It didn't take long for their eyes to settle on a lean man with burns all over his body.

"Who the fuck are you?" Bakugo shouted, preparing himself for a fight.

"That is none of your concern," he stalked up to Denki and Sero. "Very nice job, guess I won't have to kill you two. It would have been quite annoying to get the blood off."

The two boys faces turned white, but Denki gathered up his remaining courage and said, "We can go now, right?"

The man looked at each person carefully, as if deciding who he would sacrifice.

"Hmm... no, you all know too much. I'll have to turn you into the guards. The reward money will go nicely as well," the man chuckled.

"Hey! That wasn't part of the deal! You can't just do that! We won't let you!" Sero shouted.

"Oh yeah?"

In one swift movement, the man had Sero in his grasp and with a knife to his neck. 

"You two come any closer and he'll die. If you leave my sight, he'll die. Got that?" the man uttered, bringing his knife even closer to Sero's neck.

Bakugo clenched his fists, rage practically overflowing his veins and ready to explode out of his system. But he couldn't do anything and he knew it. No matter how much he tried to deny it, he really did care about Denki and Sero.

"Good," the man said, placing ropes on everyone's wrists. "Now follow me and no one has to get hurt."

Sorry for not updating in so long, I've just had rly low motivation but hopefully I'll get back to my regular schedule! Also tysm for 1.1k reads omg!!

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