Quick Escape

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Omg I was gone for like a few days and then suddenly 170 views :0 thank yall so much kiribaku is literally all i think about so i actually have the motivation to finish this

"I've got the guards!" 

Kirishima and Bakugo widened their eyes and were immediately rushed to the side so they could hide.

"You dimwit! You weren't supposed to do that Mineta!" shouted Mina.

Soon after, several guards opened the door and stormed inside.

"Where is Katsuki Bakugo? Tell us where he is and we shall leave promptly," the head of the guards announced with a gruff voice.

Bakugo quickly peeked up over the counter where he and Kirishima were hiding to get a look and saw Sero and Denki in handcuffs. He silently cursed himself and lowered himself back down. Iida got Bakugo's attention and revealed a secret passage in order to get out of there. Bakugo dragged Kirishima from their hiding spot and quietly entered the passage. Then, once the two were out of earshot, they began sprinting away for their lives.

 Back at the Snuggly Duckling, the guards were searching the place from top to bottom for any sign of Bakugo but kept on coming to dead ends.

"It's no use, Captain, he's not here," one of the guards exclaimed. 

At that moment, the door to the Snuggly Duckling was flung open, and there stood Todoroki. The guards cheered as Todoroki began working his way through the area, sniffing around for Bakugo's scent. After a couple of seconds, Todoroki was able to unearth the location of the secret passageway outside and alerted the guards. 

"Good job, Todoroki!" exclaimed the captain. "Monoma, make sure these two captives don't escape, got that?" 

"You got it, sir!" he replied before the rest of the guards left. "You two don't stand a chance against me, so don't even think for one second that-"

In the middle of his phrase, Sero head-bunted Monoma and knocked him out in the process.

"Jeez, I didn't think he would be that easy to take on," Sero mumbled.

Denki let out a laugh and said, "C'mon, let's go help Anger Issues!"

So the two of them ran through the secret passage right behind the castle guards.

From the window, Dabi watched all of this play out from the window, watching with disappointment. To his left, Mineta stumbled out of the building with several bruises, most likely caused by the rest of the crew inside. He looked at Dabi uncertainly when he saw him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked. "You seem real pissy, you wanna go cry to mommy about it?"

Hearing that, Dabi unsheathed his dagger and pointed it at Mineta's throat. 

"Tell me where that exit leads and I might just let you off the hook for saying that," he muttered.

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