The Meeting

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"No, who the hell are you?"

Bakugo watched as the person in front of him clutched his frying pan and scoffed, not the least bit intimidated. 

"How did you find me?" the man asked.

"None of your fucking business, weirdo," Bakugo replied rolling his eyes.

"It is my business now. Who are you?" he asked again.

Bakugo rolled his eyes once more then stated, "Bakugo. Can you let me go now, I'm not in a good fucking mood."

"Does anyone else know where I am?" 

"All right, Shitty-hair, listen up-"


"Shitty-hair," Bakugo insisted. "I just happened to be walking around the woods and saw your tower, so if you just let me go I can- HEY HOLD ON! WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT MY SATCHEL?"

"Somewhere you will never find it," Kirishima responded looking proud of himself.

Bakugo looked around the room, eyes landing on the vase.

"It's in there, isn't it?" 


Izuku once again woke up Bakugo after getting knocked out once again.

"GAH! Would you stop doing that shit!" he exclaimed.

"NOW, it's hidden where you won't find it," Kirishima stated, circling Bakugo.

Bakugo just grunted and rolled his eyes.

"So, what exactly do you want to do with my hair? Cut it? Sell it? Burn it?" Kirishima inquired.

"Hah? I don't want your fucking ugly ass hair!" Bakugo spat.

"Yeah, that's what I- wait what? You really don't want my hair?"

"Yeah, really! Why the fuck would I want it in the first place? I was being chased, saw your tower, and climbed it. End of fucking story."

"And you're telling the truth?"

"Yeah, dumbass!"

Kirishima backed away slowly and held Izuku in his hands.

"I need someone to take me, and I think he's telling the truth," he whispered.

Izuku gave him a doubtful look.

"I know he came from outside, but... he doesn't look that bad. He seems... normal."

Izuku sighed slightly, then nodded his head. Kirishima smiled at him and turned around to face Bakugo.

"I'll offer you a deal, Bakugo. I want you to take me to see the floating lights tomorrow night."

"The wha- you mean the lanterns they do for the prince?"

"Uh, y-yeah! Take me to those lanterns and back safely and only then will I return your satchel to you."

"Ha! Yeah, no. I don't do favors. Besides, the kingdom is not fond of me at the moment."

Kirishima narrowed his eyes and started to walk closer to Bakugo saying, "Something brought you here, Bakugo. Call it fate or destiny..."

"A horse," Bakugo interrupted uninterested.

"So I have made the decision to trust you."

"A horrible decision, really."

"But trust me when I tell you this."

Kirishima pulls at his hair so that he and Bakugo are face to face.

"You will never find your satchel without my help.

"Lemme get this straight. I take you to see the lanterns and then I get my satchel back?"

"I promise."

Bakugo looked at Kirishima with disbelief.

"I never, ever break my promises man. That would be unmanly," Kirishima insisted.

"Damn it, I didn't wanna have to fucking do this," Bakugo muttered.

Then he lowered his head and took a deep breath in. When he looked back up, he held a smolder in his eyes that would have melted any person's heart in an instant, but Kirishima just looked down at him confused.

"Ugh, fine! I'll take you to see the stupid lanterns!" Bakugo shouted.

"Really?!" Kirishima exclaimed, dropping Bakugo onto his face. "Oops..."

"I fucking hate you."

A/N: sorry this came out so late, I got really behind on homework but I should be updating on a regular basis again! Thanks for reading!

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