To the Kingdom

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"Okay Todoroki, I'm gonna need you to not arrest Bakugo. It's the biggest day of my life and I need to see the lanterns! So please, just for now, don't chase him?" Kirishima asked politely.

Todoroki glanced at Bakugo with annoyance.

"It's also my birthday. Just so you know," Kirishima added with a sly smile.

Todoroki rolled his eyes and nodded a little in agreement.

"Yay! Isn't that great, Bakugo?" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep since somebody woke me up!" Bakugo shouted back.

"Man, but today's my birthday!"

"Well then, happy fucking birthday. Now let me sleep."

"But I wanna do something fun before the lanterns! If I'm gonna be here then I want to make the most out of it!"

"Ugh, fine shit-head. Where do you wanna go?"

"Hmmm..." Kirishima mumbled under his breath. "I kinda wanna see the kingdom." 

Bakugo nodded his head and the three began their journey to the kingdom.

"I'm a little scared about going but... I'm sure it's not bad! I met so many nice people so far just like you!" Kirishima added.

"I am NOT nice."

"Yeah, you are! You're nice in your own special way."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too!" 

"I SAID I'M NOT!" Bakugo shouted, face slightly red.

"Hahaha! Fine, fine, you're the meanest of the mean. All hail King Mean."

"Yeah, you fucking better."

The two kept bickering like that for a while until finally, they made it to the front gates of the kingdom. Kirishima quickly left behind Bakugo and Todoroki (who were busy glaring at each other) to explore. His eyes widened as he walked through, making sure not to miss a single detail. He took a look at all the small houses surrounding him, each with its own unique design. 

He was about to take a step forward when he felt his hair get pulled back. He turned around and saw that the people of the kingdom were not able to step over his long hair. Kirishima began gathering his hair and soon, Bakugo saw and also came to help.

"Jesus, just fucking cut it. I don't see why it's such a big deal," Bakugo muttered with an eye-roll then looked around.

It wasn't too long before he spotted a few small girls braiding each others' hair.

"Hey, you guys over there!" Bakugo shouted out.

The girls looked up and over to Bakugo. He showed off Kirishima's hair to them and wide smiles spread on their faces.  

For a good hour, the little girls spent their time carefully braiding Kirishima's hair (and adding some flowers along with it). Kirishima was talking the whole time with the girls while Bakugo was busy making sure there weren't any soldiers around.

"Hey Bakugo, what do you think?"

Bakugo looked over to the side and was about to make a snarky comment when he saw Kirishima. Even braided his hair was incredibly long, almost near his ankles. Small violet and white flowers adorned his locks of hair and trailed all the way down to the very tip. Not only was his hair different, but his aura. He seemed like he was having the time of his life just being there that Bakugo couldn't help but smile slightly as well.

"Hey? Bakugo? You there, man?" Kirishima asked, waving a hand in front of his face.

Bakugo flinched back and glared at him, "Don't do that!"

"I asked what you thought! I think the girls did really well! Right, Todoroki?"

The horse across from the two nodded in agreement.

"It's fine, I guess. What do you wanna do now?"

"Let's go that way!" Kirishima exclaimed, dragging Bakugo away.

"Don't fucking pull me! I can walk just fine on my own!"

Kirishima looked around with wonder in his eyes and made small talk with almost every single person he ran into. It was the most action he had in his whole life and he was not going to let it go to waste. He went to several vendors and bought a few small things (though it took some convincing for Bakugo to buy them for him) and mostly admired the small town. Kirishima rounded a corner and stopped in his tracks as he looked at a peculiar wall.

"Hey Bakugo, what's that?" he asked.

"Hah? Oh, that thing? It's just a painting of the King, Queen, and the lost Prince. Nothing special," Bakugo replied.

"Oh, okay then."

However, Kirishima couldn't help but look at the small child with bright red hair and eyes as he walked away with Bakugo. 

Soon, the two made it into another section of town with a crowd of people dancing around together to live music. Kirishima's eyes beamed and immediatly joined the crowd of people to dance with them. Bakugo stood back and watched.

Kirishima was laughing and grinning like he never had before. The only thing that could make the moment even better is...

"Bakugo! Come over here!" he shouted out.

"Hah? No way! I don't dance!"

But Kirishima wouldn't hear any of it. He ran out of the crowd and began tugging him by his arm, causing Bakugo to become slightly flustered.

"C'mon, dance with me!" 

That made Bakugo even more flustered, but he allowed Kirishma to keep tugging him with a small "tch" until they made it to the crowd. Before Bakugo could even process what was going on, Kirishima was holding Bakugo's hand and swung his other hand over his shoulder. Bakugo's eyes widened and slowly intertwined their hands and rested his other hand on his hip.

Pretty soon, the two got into the groove of the upbeat tune and Kirishima made sure to cover as much distance as possible. After about 30 minutes, the music died down and everyone began returning to their usual activities. Kirishima let go of Bakugo and had to regain his breath from dancing nonstop, leaving Bakugo to process what just happened. 

"That... was awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed. "You're not such a bad dancer, Bakugo."

"Tch, I guess you weren't a complete failure either."

BYE OMG IM SO SRY FOR HOW LATE THIS IS my school started going full days and now i hardly have any time to do anything :/ ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY

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