Father Knows Best

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(Start playing video when it says)

Kirishima paces the room, nerves beginning to act up. He has been contemplating whether to bring up the touchy subject or not. He knows how his father feels about going outside but his curiosity keeps getting the best of him. He can't help but wonder what lies beyond the tower walls. Kirishima composes himself and puts on a determined face.

"Yeah, today's the day I'm gonna ask him. He'll definitely say yes, it's just for one day!" he states.

On his shoulder, Izuku nods his head to encourage the boy. Kirishima brings Izuku over to his latest drawing on his sketchpad. Unsurprisingly, only the floating lights that appear on his birthday can be seen scattered across the page. Izuku looks up knowingly at Kirishima.

"Tomorrow, I will see those lights. I know I will," he says.

"Eijirou! Let down your hair!" comes a distant shout, interrupting Kirishima's drawing process.

"Coming Father!" Kirishima yells as he places Izuku down near the curtains to hide.

Kirishima gets to the window and places his hair on a hook right above him and lets the rest of his hair rush to the ground where Dabi is standing. Dabi grabs ahold of Kirishima's hair and Kirishima starts pulling him up by his hair. It's strenuous work and it took some time for his scalp to adjust to the weight when he first started, but now it comes to him naturally. It also helped him keep in shape since Father never brought home training equipment. He always said Kirishima wouldn't need it since he would live in the tower. 

"Welcome home Father!" Kirishima says with a grin.

"Ugh, get me a damp towel please, I have the worst headache," Dabi orders.

Kirishima immediately goes to grab a towel as quickly as he can, puts it underwater, and hands it over to Dabi.

"So um, Dad, I've been thinking about something-" 

"Why are you frowning so much? You'll get wrinkles," Dabi interrupts.

"Oh! Sorry!" Kirishima puts a smile on his face and continues. "So, like I was saying, I was thinking that maybe I could-"

"My boy, get me a chair, please. I'm exhausted."

"Uh, sure right away Father!" Kirishima exclaims half-heartedly.

When he returns with a chair, he sits himself down in front of Dabi. He begins fidgeting with his fingers and looks over to the curtain where he hid Izuku. He finds him watching him and Izuku gives something of a thumbs up to Kirishima before camouflaging into the curtain once more. Kirishima takes a deep breath in then begins.

"So, um Father?"


"I wanted to talk with you about-"

"Oh, but I'm feeling very worn down. Sing for me, my boy. Then we'll talk."

"Oh, sure!"

Kirishima quickly hands over some of his hair and a hairbrush to Dabi. He plops down in front of him and starts rushing to complete the magic song. Dabi barely had time to gain its powers.

"Now we can talk, right?" Kirishima asks hopefully.

"Yes, yes," Dabi responds, paying attention to anything other than Kirishima.

"Okay so, as you know, it's gonna be my birthday tomorrow! And I wanted to do something extra special this year since I'm turning 18. So... I wanted to ask if I could go with you to see the floating lights!"

"The what now?"

"The floating lights! They only appear on my birthday and I can't help but think that... they're meant for me! So I wanna go see them this year! And... and not just from my window, I wanna see them in person! I have to know what they are," Kirishima rambles, showing a drawing he drew on the wall of the floating lights.

(Start playing)

"You want to go outside? My boy, hahaha!

Look at you, as fragile as a flower

Still a little sapling, just a sprout

You know why we stay up in this tower"

"I know, but..."

That's right

To keep you safe and sound, dear

Guess I always knew this day was coming

Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest

Soon but not yet"


"Shhh! Trust me, pet

Father knows best

Father knows best

Listen to your father

It's a scary world out there

Father knows best

One way or another something will go wrong

I swear

Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand

Cannibals and snakes, the plague"



Also large bugs

Men with pointy teeth (lol)

And stop, no more you'll just upset me

Father's right here

Father will protect you

Darling, here's what I suggest

Skip the drama stay with Papa

Father knows best

Father knows best 

Take it from your popsy

On your own, you won't survive

Sloppy, underdressed

Immature, clumsy

Please, they'll eat you up alive

Gullible, naive

Positively grubby

Ditsy and a bit

Well, hmm, vague

Plus, I believe, getting kind of chubby

I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you

Father understands

Father's here to help you

All I have is one request



"Don't ever ask to leave this tower again."

"Yes, Father..."

"I love you very much, dear."

"I love you more."

"I love you most.

Don't forget it

You'll regret it

Father knows best

I'll see you tomorrow, my boy! I'll make sure to get your favorite for the special day!"

Kirishima watches as Dabi descends the tower and slowly leaves his sight, then slowly slides his back across the wall. Tears are threatening to spill and Izuku carefully walks over to him.

"Heh, I gotta s-stop with this crying. I-it's so un-unmanly. It's n-not even a big deal, I d-don't know why I'm o-overreacting about this," Kirishima mumbles to himself, brushing away the few tears that escaped from his eyes.

Izuku gives him empathizing eyes and snuggles into his shoulder for comfort.

"Thanks, Izuku. I feel a lot better now," Kirishima says, forcing a smile.

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