The End

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"Your majesties!" a guard shouted, walking in on the King and Queen talking.

"What is it?" the King asked.

"The lost prince! He... he found us!" 

The two looked up with shock and quickly followed the guard to their missing son. When the three reached the main entrance, two figures could be seen from afar. Tentatively, the King and Queen walked forward trying not to get their hopes up. When they got closer, one of the figures' heads whipped up. Wide, anxious eyes met the two royals, the same wide eyes the Queen had. And his locks of black hair fell over those eyes, the same black hair that the King had. 

"Oh my god-!" the Queen exclaimed, walking over to her long-lost son. "Eijirou, is it really you?"

"Mom... yeah, it's me," Kirishima cried out with a smile on his face.

"Our son!" the King shouted.

The King took his wife and his son together in a great bear hug, trying to compensate for the years of separation that had torn them apart. The Queen looked over at the other figure standing off to the side.

"Who's that over there?" she asked Kirishima.

Kirishima looked over to where she was pointing and smiled fondly.

"That's Bakugo. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now."

The Queen stood up and walked over to Bakugo. At first, he was surprised and didn't know what to do. He remembered some play he had seen of citizens kneeling to their leaders and did just that, but was quickly pulled up and wrapped into a warm hug.

"Thank you for taking care of him. Thank you for getting him back here," she whispered.

Bakugo was too shocked to respond, but he slightly reciprocated the hug and smiled softly when no one could see.


Well, you can imagine what happened next. The kingdom rejoiced, for their lost prince had returned. The party lasted an entire week. 

Dreams came true all over the place. Iida went on to become the most famous concert pianist in the world! And Mina? She was able to find true love (you can decide who)! Thanks to Todoroki, crime in the kingdom disappeared almost overnight. Izuku never changed. 

At last, Kirishima was home and he finally had a real family. He was a prince worth waiting for. Beloved by all, he led his kingdom with all the grace and wisdom that his parents did before him.

And as for Bakugo, his father got treatment, stopped thieving, and turned it all around. But the big question is: did he and Kirishima ever get married? Well, it's a pleasure to say that after a year of building up the courage, Bakugo proposed to Kirishima and he said yes. And they now live happily ever after.

omg guys it's DONE i'm so sentimental oml BUT HOLY SHIT 2.8K READS??? THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH i hope you enjoyed this thing i did as much as i enjoyed writing it! have a nice day :)

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