Outsmarting Death

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"Hey, get up. You need to follow me," the chief declared, standing in front of Bakugo.

"Where are you taking me now?" 

There was only silence in the air, but that was answer enough. Bakugo swallowed the lump in his throat and allowed the chief to place the handcuffs on his wrists. It stung to the touch, he hadn't realized how badly he had ripped his skin.

"Well then, let's get moving," the chief stated.


"And here we are, home sweet home!" Dabi said, entering the tower after the long walk.

Kirishima walked behind him, not saying a word. His face was pale and he couldn't meet his father's face. Dabi went to the nearest chair and plopped down.

"Kirishima, why don't you sing that song for your father again? I'm worn out, it would be really nice to go back to normal right?"

"I... I'm really tired right now, Father. Please allow me to rest up quickly first," Kirishima requested. 

"Alright. And go take off that ridiculous braid while you're at it," Dabi states, stretching his arms.

"Yes, Father."

Kirishima slowly walks up the stairs, as if in a daze, and at last opens the door leading to his room. It's filled top to bottom with paintings, each one something different. He goes over to his bed and falls on top of it, arms spread out wide. He reaches over to his pocket, revealing the only souvenir from his short time at the kingdom.

It was the crest of the kingdom etched onto a small piece of cloth. It was soft to the touch and made him smile a little at the memories there, although short-lived. He carefully places it back on his lap and looks up at his ceiling admiring some of the paintings. Then something catches his eye.

He brings back the small cloth in front of his face and compares the design with a section of the ceiling. Every detail, every design is incorporated with his drawings that he had been making his whole life. And with more scrutiny, he could see the symbol just about anywhere he looked. Early memories began to resurface, once buried deep down inside of him. Two figures standing side-by-side in front of him, resembling the outline of the King and Queen.

Kirishima gasps and stumbles, not realizing he had gotten up out of his bed, and ran into several things in the room. 

"No way..." he said, his breathing raggedy.

"Son? Are you alright up there?" said Dabi's voice from outside the door.

Kirishima walks over to his door and opens the door to meet Dabi, someone who he held dear to him. Someone who he believed would never lie to him. 

"I'm the lost prince..." Kirishima muttered.

"Speak up, you know how I feel about the mumbling," Dabi replied with annoyance.

"I'm the lost prince. Aren't I?"

Dabi's face quickly sank.

"Did I mumble, Father? Or should I even call you that?" Kirishima asked in anger.

Dabi composed himself and began, "Oh please, Kirishima, do you even hear yourself? What kind of nonsense are you talking about now?"

"It was all your fault!"

Kirishima pushed Dabi out of his way and began descending the staircase.

"You kept telling me to hide from the outside world because everyone would want my hair. But now I see that I should have been hiding from you."

"And where would you hide? He won't be there for you," Dabi answered coldly.

"What did you do to him?"

"That criminal will be hanged for all his countless crimes, I assume."


"Oh come now, it's alright. Everything is as it should be."

Dabi goes to pat Kirishima's hair but he stops it midair with his hand.

"Don't touch me! You were wrong about the world! And you were wrong about me! I will never let you use my hair again!"

Dabi rips his hand out of Kirishima's grip and falls back into a mirror, causing it to shatter into pieces on the floor.

"You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, I'll be the bad guy."


The Chief leads the way with two other guards holding Bakugo by his shoulders. He looks over at one of the window sills, wanting to see the outside one last time. Wanting to see Kirishima one last time.

After what seemed to last a lifetime, they reach the door that will end his life.

Just when the Chief is about to step through, the doors all around shut closed all at once. Then the window to the room opened revealing a pink-haired Mina.

"What's the password?" she coos out.

"What?" the Chief exclaims.

"Wrong!" she replied with a thumbs down.

"Open this door!"

"Not even close. You're bad at this game."

"I'll give you until the count of three to open up this door! One!"

One of the guards on Bakugo's side is taken away.


Then the other one gets pulled up, but their suit fell down bringing the attention of the Chief.

"What the he-!" 

Not even through with his sentence, the Chief gets knocked out by the giant Sato behind him.

"You guys always know how to ruin a party," Bakugo sneers while Sato takes off the handcuffs.

The group starts running over to the exit. Every which way they went, there was some group that was fighting the guards and let a clear path to freedom for them. Once they got to the courtyard, they were about to leave when hundreds of guards came and blocked their path. They ran away from them and tried to get Bakugo out of there as quickly as possible.

"Okay, Bakugo, head down, arms in, knees apart," Mina ordered having him stand in a specific location.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you?" Bakugo retaliated.

"Because of this."

Bakugo was about to respond when the board from under him flung up in the air, sending him along with it. When he landed he assumed he had died, but slowly opened his eyes to show Todoroki.

"You brought them here?" Bakugo asked.

Todoroki nodded his head in response.

"You didn't need to, I could've gotten out all by myself!"

Todoroki rolled his eyes and began running forward at full speed, almost sending Bakugo off of his back. Soon the edge of the road was approaching but he showed no signs of slowing down.

"Icyhot?! What the fuck are you doing?"

With determination, Todoroki leaped off the side of the palace where a few small houses were settled. Todoroki landed with grace on top of the buildings and slid off with ease, making a break for it.

"Run fast, he's in trouble!" Bakugo shouted.

Todoroki picked up the pace once they were out of the village and soon the two were out in the forest again.

"I'm coming, Shitty Hair," Bakugo whispered under the wind.

look at me gooooo posting two chapters in a day >:D i hope you enjoyyyyy!

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