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Kirishima is in the middle of one of his paintings when he hears a string of colorful words coming from a distance. He takes a peek outside and sees a figure in the distance, but the person doesn't have black hair like his father. Kirishima gasps and backs away from the window.

"That- that must be the scary people that Dad always tells me about! Oh no, oh no, oh no! What do I do, Izuku?" Kirishima mumbles.

Izuku points his tail towards an object in the kitchen: a knife.

"No! I can't kill someone!" 

Izuku sighs and points to the object right next to it: a frying pan.

"O-okay, that should work."

Then, from below, the two hear some grunts and tumbling of rocks, and Kirishima's heart pace begins to quicken. He goes to the edge of the window and waits. It seems to him like forever, but he knows that the stranger is coming from how their footsteps on the wall get louder and louder. Then, when Kirishima thinks he can't take it any longer, he sees a hand reach the ledge of the window and climb over.

"Fucking finally. Alone," comes a gruff voice.

And just like that, Kirishima squeezes his eyes shut and swings as hard as he can, knocking him unconscious. He carefully gets closer to the body to inspect the man. He looks around his age and has a scowl on his face, with blonde, spiky hair, and a fairly decent build. 

"He doesn't look all that scary..." Kirishima murmurs. "Well, looks can be deceiving I guess."

So Kirishima begins dragging his body across the floor, searching for a good spot to keep him in. He spots the closet and decides that would be the perfect place. After some struggle to put the stranger into the closet, Kirishima steps back to look at his handiwork and he laughs in disbelief.

"Wow, I-I have a person in my closet. An actual person! Too weak to handle myself out there my ass!" he exclaims, trying to make a cool move with the frying pan in hand and accidentally hitting himself in the head.

"Ow..." Kirishima says, rubbing his forehead.

Then, something catches his eye. From the corner of his eyesight, he spots something glinting in the satchel the stranger was carrying. He carefully takes out the object and inspects it.

"Hmm, I wonder what this is..." Kirishima says to himself.

"My boy! Let down your hair!" comes Dabi's voice.

"Coming Father!" Kirishima shouts back, quickly stashing the satchel and shiny object into an empty vase.

Kirishima hurridly throws down his hair and pulls up Dabi, the previous nerves buzzing around him. 

"I brought back some berries, do you want some right now?" Dabi asks, rummaging around his pile of items.

"Uh, not yet, but Dad there's something I wanna show you-" Kirishima explains.

"Please tell me this isn't about leaving the tower again," Dabi interrupts.

"Um, it's leading up to that, but I promise that-"

"I thought we already ended that discussion."

"Well, yeah, but I wanted to show you that I-"

"Eijirou, stop that."

"C'mon, please listen to me! I swear you'll understand-"

"Eijirou! Stop talking about the damn lights! You are never leaving this tower! Ever!" Dabi yells, rage swirling around in his eyes.

Kirishima stops in his tracks, wide-eyed, and he stares back at Dabi. He fights the urge to cry as he feels some liquid form in his eyes. He bites his tongue and squeezes his fists.

"Great, now I'm the bad guy," Dabi says, sitting down on a chair.

Kirishima feels guilt course through him and takes a deep breath in.

"What I was gonna say is that... I know what I want for my birthday now," Kirishima says with a half-hearted smile.

"And what's that?"

"Um, new paints? Like that white one you always get me?"

"That takes three days to get to!"

"Yeah, but uh I assumed it was a better idea than... the lights," Kirishima mumbles with shame.

Dabi sighs and stands up, walking over to Kirishima. 

"You sure you're going to be fine on your own?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Kirishima replies, giving him a small smile.

"Okay then. I'll head off right now to get you the paints. Happy early birthday my boy," Dabi replies, heading towards the window.

"Bye Dad!" Kirishima exclaims with a heavy weight on his chest.

Kirishima stands by the window and waits until he can't see Dabi's figure anymore, then rushes over to the closet. He carefully opens the door and out falls the stranger onto his face. Kirishima makes sure it's safe before tying him down with his hair and waiting in a corner for him to wake up.

Izuku stands on the man's shoulder and uses his tongue to pop his ear and wake him up.

"Gah! What the fuck!" the man shouts, thrashing around.

Izuku leaps off of him in a flash and runs around to a corner.

"Who the fuck is in here! Show yourself! Don't be a fucking wimp!" the man shouts again. "Is this... hair?"

"I know why you're here, so you don't scare me!" Kirishima exclaims with some fright.

"Hah? The fuck? Who the hell are you?" 

Kirishima slowly appears into the light with a determined face, holding his frying pan. 

"No, who the hell are you?" Kirishima says.

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