The Snuggly Duckling

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"You sure we're going the right way? I'm pretty sure I've seen that tree 5 times," Kirishima called out to Bakugo.

"Of course I know where I'm going, dumbfuck! Just shut up and follow me, we're almost there!f" Bakugo shouted back.

The two walked together in silence for a couple more minutes before a building neared them and Bakugo began smirking.

"Here we are, Shitty-hair. A very nice place to eat. Everyone's real friendly," he muttered, slowly walking towards the entrance.

"You sure?" Kirishima asked following him.

"100 fucking percent."

Bakugo pushed the door open and brought Kirishima inside before he could change his mind. When Kirishima took the time to look around, his heartbeat began racing and his eyes widened. As far as the eye could see, there were people armed head to toe with some sort of gear or armor, looking about ready for warfare. Kirishima lept back but was pushed forward by Bakugo.

"C'mon now, let's get a table. Hey, Four Eyes! Get me a fucking table!" Bakugo shouted out to a man with black hair.

As Bakugo forced Kirishima forward, he held on to his frying pan for dear life and took several shaky, deep breaths. 

"What's wrong Shitty-hair? You seem tense," Bakugo mumbled amusingly.

"It's nothing," Kirishima replied, determined on acting manly.

The two continued forward as the whole room watched them and Kirishima was willing himself to just keep going. Then he felt something tugging at his hair and he turned around immediately and saw a tough-looking girl with brown hair holding his hair.

"So long..." she mumbled.

Kirishima jumped slightly and ran backward, trying desperately to get away. He was successful until he bumped into something behind him. He slowly looked back and came face to face with a tall, muscular man with white hair and a blue mask covering his face. Kirishima jumped back in fright and stood there for quite some time.

"Aw, what's the matter Shitty-hair? You don't look too good. Maybe we should just call it a day and go back to your little tower," Bakugo said, walking Kirishima back to the door.

Just when they were about to exit the building, the man Bakugo had called "Four Eyes" blocked their path. He held up a wanted poster of Bakugo in front of his face.

"Is the man in the picture you?" the man asked.

"Well, except for that ugly ass hair, yeah that's fucking me. What're you gonna do about it?" Bakugo spat out.

"Jackpot!" came out a shout in the crowd. "I could use the money!"

"No, I can! You all know I'm broke!" came someone else's voice.

Soon, chaos ensued and everyone was trying to pry away Bakugo for themselves. Kirishima shouted at them all to stop but was unable to be heard with all the ruckus. He looked around the room and found a branch on the wall. He wrapped his hair around it and pulled it so it retracted, and let go, hitting one of the people in the crowd in the head.

"Everyone stop!" Kirishima yelled out.

Silence overtook the room and all eyes were on Kirishima.

"I don't know where I am, and I need him to take me to see the lanterns that appear every year on my birthday because I've always dreamed of seeing them in person my whole life! Haven't any of you had a dream?" Kirishima asked.

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